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therapy treatment 放松治疗 relaxation therapy 食物治疗 diet treatment precaution 雅思核心词汇 —看病就医 Staying safe from Ebola Where: fruit bat Spreading through: bodily fluids Symptom: multi-organ failure and septic shock Recovery: clinical care and patients’ immune response Where does it come from? Ebola may come from fruit bats. Fruit bats may be natural Ebola virus hosts. Ebola spreads through contact with bodily fluids, blood or tissue of infected people and animals. Ebola virus is transmitted to human and other primates including chimpanzees, gorillas and monkeys. Patients die of complications including multi-organ failure and septic shock. Recovery depends on clinical care and a patient’s immune response. patientt symptomt practitionert prescriptiont 预约 make an appointment 体检 checkup 医务室 infirmary practitioner 全科医生 a general practitioner 牙医 a dental practitioner 专家 specialist surgeon (surgery) physician (attending) symptom poor eyesight stuffed/running nose fever dizzy drowsy headache insomnia amnesia insomnia in somn ia 否定 睡眠 疾病 e.g. insomnious a 失眠的 somnambulate v 梦游 somniferous a 催眠的 e.g. dyspepsia n 消化不良 dyslexia n 阅读障碍 anemia n 贫血症 amnesia a mnes ia 否定 记忆 疾病 e.g. hypomnesia 记忆减退 amnesty 大赦 mnemonics 记忆术 headache 牙疼 toothache 背疼 backache 胃疼 stomachache flu influenza 猪流感 swine flu 嗓子痛 sore throat 肺炎 pneumonia cough/ sneeze allergy 食物过敏 food allergy 花粉过敏 pollen allergy be allergic to epidemic epi dem ic 在….上 人民 在….周围 在….后面 e.g. epilogue 后记,结尾部分 episode 插曲,集 pandemic infect 染上艾滋病病毒的人 people infected with HIV 她对音乐的热爱感染了孩子们。 She infected children with her enthusiasm for music. Any infections of ear, nose, throat, mouth, chest or skin should also be rep


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