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谢谢蒞臨 Thank you for your attention 德国尼克国际 * * * * * * * * W e l c o m e 中美雞蛋企業現況 On Egg Industry in China and US RichWall(李查渥尔) HN International GmbH(德國尼克國際) 中美人口统计比较 The U. S. China Comparison of Demographic Statistics 人口(百万) Human Population in millions (mid-2008) 土地面积 Land Area Continental U. S. (not including Alaska and Hawaii) and China about the same 美国大陆(不包括阿拉斯加与夏威夷) 和中国一样大 人口密度/平方公里 Population Density /sq. km. 人口增长率(%) Human Population Growth Rate (%) 消费者购买率(每一国民美元) Consumer Purchasing Power in US$GNI PPP per capita 经济成长率(GDP %) Economic Growth Rate as % of GDP 美中鸡蛋企业统计资料比较 The U. S. and China Comparison of Egg Industry Statistics 2006年产蛋量(千吨) 2006 EggProduction (1,000mt) 蛋壳颜色需求(%) Shell Color Demand (%) 蛋产品占总产蛋量百分比 Egg Products as % of Total Egg Production 每人每年消耗蛋数 Yearly Per Capita Egg Consumption 美国每年每人蛋数(1915-2006) U.S. Per Capita Egg Consumption 1915 to 2006 增加蛋数消费量之营销行动 Marketing Efforts That Have Increased Egg Consumption Speciality Shell Eggs(特殊蛋) Microwave Ready meals including eggs(微波炉含蛋食品) American Egg Board: funded by “checkoff” of 10 cents/30 dozen case(美国鸡蛋协会—每30打蛋交10仙) 快餐早餐 Fast Food Breakfast Options 美国鸡蛋企业 The Egg Industry of The United States 美国产蛋鸡数目 U. S. A. Layer Numbers Total of 283.2 million commercial layers.(总共2.832亿只) Does not include broiler breeders or replacement pullets(不包含肉种 鸡或青年鸡) 1988-2006主要食品蛋生产地(州) Leading Table Egg Producing States 1988-2006 美国鸡蛋企业变化(每公司至少有七万五千只) Egg Industry Consolidation – U.S.A. (companies with at least 75,000 layers) 美国蛋公司及其蛋鸡数(百万只) U.S. Companies and Their Layer Populations(millions of layers as of Dec. 31, 2008) 美国顶级蛋公司占鸡蛋生产百分比(百万只蛋鸡) Top Companies Share of U. S. Egg Production(millions of layers) (As of December 31, 2008) 美国鸡蛋企业特征 U. S. Egg Industry Characteristics Very large flock sizes; 100,000 up to 300,000(鸡群数非常大) Forced molting is common(强制换羽普遍) High degree of integration(高度统合化企业) Egg producers do own marketing(蛋生产者自办营销) High sanitary quality standards(高卫生条件及质量标准) Spent


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