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項 次 法? 規? 名 稱 修訂法規內容 新增之法規項目 頁碼 UN版本別 內容摘要 1 車道偏離輔助警示系統(草案) ◎ 2 UN R130 2013/07/9 00 參考UN R130 00版,增訂車道偏離輔助警示系統規定。主要包含光學警告訊號確認試驗、車道偏離警示試驗、失效偵測試驗以及解除試驗等試驗項目。另針對車道標線部份,則建議參考內政部頒布市區道路及附屬工程設計標準 UN R130 Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS) 00 2013/07/9 車道偏離輔助警示系統 增/修內容 原內容 修訂國內法規條文草案 對應國內法規條文 1.Scope This Regulation applies to the lane departure warning system of vehicles of categories M2, N2, M3 and N3. 1. 實施時間及適用範圍: 1.1中華民國○年○月○日起,新型式之及中華民國○年○月○日起,各型式之符合本項。 2.Definitions 2.1Approval of a vehicle type means the full procedure whereby a Contracting Party to the Agreement certifies that a vehicle type meets the technical requirements of this Regulation; 2.3Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS) means a system to warn the driver of an unintentional drift of the vehicle out of its travel lane; 2.4Lane means one of the longitudinal strips into which a roadway is divided (as shown in Annex?3); 2.5Visible lane marking means delineators intentionally placed on the borderline of the lane that are directly visible by the driver while driving (e.g. not covered by snow, etc.); 2.6Rate of departure means the subject vehicle’s approach velocity at a right angle to the visible lane marking at the warning issue point; 2.7Common space means an area on which two or more information functions (e.g. symbols) may be displayed, but not simultaneously. 2.名詞釋義: 2.1(Lane Departure Warning System, 簡稱LDWS):指。指以標線或實體劃定道路之部分,及其他供車輛行駛之道路空間Visible lane marking):指設置或描繪於車道邊緣,使駕駛人輕易可視之標線。 2.4偏離率(Rate of departure):指在系統警示觸發點時的車速在垂直車道線方向之速度分量。 2.5共用空間(Common space):係指可供二個或以上之功能訊息(如符號)顯示之區域,但不同步顯示。 補充說明: 有關車道定義因涉及國內道路設置相關規範,故建議擇一參考內政部頒布市區道路及附屬工程設計標準第二條第一項車道之用詞定義以及道路交通管理處罰條例中車道之定義。以下為各項定義內容: 1.內政部頒布市區道路及附屬工程設計標準第二條第一項: 指以標線或實體劃定道路之部分,及其他供車輛行駛之道路空間。 2.道路交通管理處罰條例第三條第二項:指以劃分島、護欄或標線劃定道路之部分,及其他供車輛行駛之道路。 2.2Vehicle type with regard to its Lane Departure Warning System means a category of vehicles which do not differ in such essential respects as: (a)The manufacturers trade name or ma


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