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目 录 摘 要 II Abstract III 前 言 ...........1 第一章 概 述 2 1.1 本设计的相关数据资料 2 第二章 原则性热力系统的拟定和计算 6 2.1 原则性热力系统的拟定 6 2.2 原则性热力系统的计算 7 第三章 汽轮机辅助设备的选择 23 3.1 给水泵的选择 23 3.2 循环水泵的选择 24 3.3 凝结水泵的选择 25 第四章 锅炉燃烧系统的计算 27 4.1 燃料性质及锅炉各部件的重要参数 27 4.2 燃烧系统的计算 27 第五章 锅炉车间辅助设备的选择 31 5.1 磨煤机选择 31 5.2 送风机的选择 34 5.3 引风机的选择 36 第六章 全面性热力系统的拟定 38 6.1 全面性热力系统的拟定依据 38 6.2 全面性热力系统拟定内容 38 总 结 45 致 谢 46 参 考 资 料 47 附录一:锅炉平面图 48 摘 要 最近几年,我国火电的装机容量越来越大,装机的机组单机容量也在逐渐提升,原来的小容量机组已经逐渐被大容量的机组所代替,如今600MW机组已成为主力机组,所以我们对其研究是必要的,也是势在必行的,这也是本次设计的目的和意图。 本次设计的是600MW凝气式汽轮发电机组燃煤发电厂热力计算及主要辅助设备的校核,经过计算来验证是否符合要求。锅炉车间辅助设备主要是磨煤机,送风机,引风机的选择及其计算等。汽轮机车间辅助设备主要是给水泵的选择,凝结水泵的选择,循环水泵的选择及其计算等。最终满足电厂的要求,符合其安全性,经济性和可靠性。 关键词 :电力系统,汽轮发电机组,热力系统,辅助设备 Abstract recent several years, our country thermal powers installed capacity is getting bigger and bigger, the installing equipment unit capacity gradually is also promoting, the low-power unit originally gradually was already replaced by the large capacity unit, now the 600MW unit has become the main force unit, therefore we to its research are necessary, is also imperative, this is also this design goal and the intention. what this design is 600MW congeals was mad that the type turboset coal-burning power plant thermal design and base support equipments examination, after the computation confirms whether to meet the requirement. The Boiler shop supporting facility is mainly the pulverizer, the air feeder, drawing fans choice and the computation and so on. The steam turbine mill auxiliary is mainly feed pumps choice, condenser pumps choice, circulating water pumps choice and the computation and so on. Satisfies the power plant finally the request, conforms to its securi. Key Words: electric power system turbo-generating set;thermodynamic system;auxiliary equipment 前 言 此设计中的


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