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目 录 Content 一、概 述 I. Overview 二、工 作 原 理 II. Working principle 三、技 术 指 标 III. Technical index 四、模 块 特 点 IV. Features of module 五、模 块 结 构 和 功 能 V. Structure and function of module 六、使 用 方 法 VI. Application method 七、注 意 事 项 VII. Points for attention 八、简 单 故 障 处 理 VIII. Treatment of simple fault 九、售 后 服 务 IX. After-sale service 本使用说明书适用于JZ-22020D、JZ-11020D、JZ-22030D、JZ-11030B型高频开关电源模块 This instruction is applied for JZ-22020D, JZ-11020D, JZ-22030D and JZ-11030B high-frequency Switch Power-Supply Modules 概述 I. Overview 目前我国发电厂和变电站正在大规模改造直流系统的电源设备,过去采用的相控电源和磁饱和式电源存在稳压、稳流精度差、纹波系数大及对输入电网谐波污染大等缺点,已经不能满足我国电力工程发展的需要。而被体积小、重量轻效率高、噪声小、稳压稳流精度高、响应速度快的高频开关电源逐步取代,并且可以方便的实现“四遥”功能和N+1冗余备份,使得电力直流系统运行更可靠。JZ高频开关电源模块是集九洲公司多年开发生产经验,为电力直流系统开发的高科技产品,满足现代电力市场的需求。 At present, the power generation plants and substations in our nation are reconstructing the power equipments for DC system in large scale. The phase-controlled power and magnetic saturated power adopted in the past have the defects of low precision of steady voltage and constant current, large ripple coefficient and more pollution to harmonic input to the grid, which cannot meet the development needs of the power engineering in our nation and are replaced by the high-frequency power with switch and small volume, light weight, high efficiency, less noise, high precision of steady voltage and constant current and rapid response speed. This kind of power can realize the function of “four-remote” and N+1 redundancy backup conveniently, which makes the DC system of electric power more reliable. JZ high-frequency Switch Power-Supply Module is a high-tech product developed for the DC system of electric power by Jiuzhou Company based on several-year experience in development and production, which can meet the demands of modern electric power market. 工作原理 II. Working principle JZ高频开关电源模块采用了先进的无源PFC技术和脉宽调制软开关技术的控制技术(PWM),使得模块效率进一步提高,谐波减小。模块采用交流三相三线制380VAC平衡输入方式,不存在中线电流损耗。模块交流输入经过尖峰抑制电路和EMI吸收电路,经全桥整流滤波电路将三相交流电压整流


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