CNMARC 200字段相关着录问题的探讨.PDF

CNMARC 200字段相关着录问题的探讨.PDF

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CNMARC 200字段相关着录问题的探讨

Contemporary L ibrary Vol. 98, No. 2, June, 2009 CNMARC 200 , 063000 , , CNMARC 200 G254. 3 D iscussion of Ca ta logue Problem s Concern ing the 200 En try in CNM ARC Y uan Y uzhen Tangshan School of Hebe i Un iversity of Sc ience and Technology, Tangshan, Hebe i 063000 Abstract: On the basis of the experiences in work and using some examp les, the author discusses some catalogue p roblem s concern2 ing the 200 entry in CNMARC. Key W ords: Catalogue; Title; Author CNMARC ( CNMARC ) , , 200 ) , , 200 , ( , , 200 , 1 111 11111 ) , ( , , , , , , : 200 1# a 200 1# a Econom ics, peace and laughter 11112 : , : ,a e : 200 1 # a 200 1# a 200 1# a 11113 : , [] , , e , , 304 : (1) 200 1# a [ ] 304 ## a [ ]: (2) 200 1# a [ ] 304 ## a [ ]: 112 : , , 540 : 200 1# a , , 540 , , , , 46 ? 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. 2 2009 6 98 540 1# a 113 200 : (1) , d, , : 200 1# a d The encyclopedia of Chinese cities counties zeng 510 1 # a The encyclopedia of Chinese cities counties zeng (2) , ,, , 200 d , 510 , 304 : 200 1 # a d Bodies of evidence f ( ) zeng 304 ## a : Bodies of evidence 510 1# a Bodies of evidence zeng (3) ,, 312 , 510 : 200 1# a f 312 ## a 510 1# a M anagement zeng (4) ,, 304 , 454 : 200 1# a f ( ) J. g [] 304 ## a : M icrobiology 454 #1 1 200 1# a M icrobiology 114 , a , 517 : 200 0# a , , [] , , , ,, 517 1# a 517 1# a 517 1# a 115 , , , a; a, c, 423 , : (1) 200 1# a aa f 311 ## a :; 423 #0 1 200 1 # a 1 701 #0 a 423 #0 1 200 1# a 1701#0 a 517 1# a 517 1# a (2) 200 1 # a f( ) c f( ) 423 #0 1 200 1# a 1 701# 0a 116 e, , e, , 517 : 200 1# a e () 517 1# a 2 211 200 f g , 3, , [] 304 , : XXX, XXX, XXX 701 702 , , f , : 200 1# a 701 #0 a 701 #0 a 701 #0 a 701 #0 a 212 4 4 4 4 701 702 , , , f [] , , 314 XXX , ( 55 ) ? 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. 47 2 2009 6 , T , , , , 98 , , , , , , ,, ,, , , , 1. [ J ]. , 2007 (2) : 14 - 16. 2 ,. [J] . , 2000 (3) : 86 - 87. 3. [ J


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