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中国绿色照明教育示范基地 评审实施细则(拟定稿) Demonstration Base Accreditation Rules (Draft) 总则为保障中国“逐步淘汰白炽灯、加快推广节能灯(PILESLAMP)”项目子项目 “中国绿色照明教育示范基地创建”项目的顺利实施,规范中国绿色照明教育示范基地评审工作,确保评审的严肃性、权威性、公正性,特制定本评审实施细则。sub-project of PHASING-OUT OF INCANDESCENT LAMPS ENERGY SAVING LAMPS PROMOTION (PILESLAMP) PROJECT, i.e. Establishing Chinas green lighting education demonstration base”, to regulate the evaluation of Chinas green lighting education demonstration base, and to guarantee its seriousness, authority and impartiality of evaluation and assessment. 评审原则中国绿色照明教育示范基地创建项目评审工作坚持从创建单位的出发和创建目标相结合评审的原则,坚持全方位、全过程综合评审的原则,坚持定性和定量相结合、以量化为主的原则,坚持科学准确、简便易行、可操作性强的原则。China Green Lighting Education Demonstration Base Project considers both actual situation and the target in evaluation, and adopts comprehensive and integrated principles of assessment for the whole process, uses both qualitative and quantitative approaches with the latter as main principles, and always adheres to scientific, accurate, simple and workable principles. 评审内容根据《中国绿色照明教育示范基地创建》项目的指导思想和创建目标,中国绿色照明教育示范基地创建项目评审实行百分制,评审标准分组织管理、宣传教育、基地创建、综合效果、创新附加等五个分项、17个指标、52个分值,详见《中国绿色照明教育示范基地创建标准(讨论稿)》。China Green Lighting Education Demonstration Base Project, scoring of percentile is used in evaluation, with organization and management, promotion and education, base building, total effect and innovation as the five main items to score, and 17 aspects and 52 scores. See Criteria of Establishing China Green Lighting Education Demonstration Base (Draft). 评审组织创建单位安排专人或机构负责自查和初评。Personnel or bodies should be arranged by demonstration bases s to conduct self evaluation and initial evaluation. “中国绿色照明教育示范基地创建”项目办和基地创建单位所属的上级主管部门相关人员组成评审小组负责开展基地创建单位的现场评审工作,形成初步评审意见后供参考。China Green Lighting Education Demonstration Base Project and administrative bodies of higher level, to carry out the on site evaluation and work out an initial assessment for the reference of the Expert Advisory Group. 专家顾问组由相关政府领导、专家学者组成,候选进行评审,提出意见Expert Advisory Group is made up


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