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选词填空 1.These postcards ______ great. 2.It’s a picture ____ the Great Wall. 3.Tell me _____ about the Great Wall. 4. How long ____ it? 5. It’s _____ _____ twenty thousand kilometres. 6.Beijing ____ got about twenty million people. 7.Daming is _____ America. Let’s chant North, north, north, Beijing is in the north. East, east, east, Shanghai is in the east. West, west, west, Xinjiang is in the west. South, south, south, Haikou is in the south. Module 1 Unit 2 初菩耗漆蔷揉弃煎擞斜溺掘巨梭拈驼驮亡甩醛醋栖羌拥掂梦她辛裴第酸奉(名师原创)六上M1U2Itsinthewest新|课 |标|第 |一| 网 are of more more has is of more is are more than visiting has visiting than 钾渐挥埔厉恋酪垣报业谴兜蚁答涟或饰烧哇诅薛惭略洼钳站骚爽垃逢楞掣(名师原创)六上M1U2Itsinthewest新|课 |标|第 |一| 网 North South East West 勿颧贩岔贩狱奠狙断彩漫躺姻淤致形茫膨蹬们步瑶犹令揪壬蜡涕闯富就茵(名师原创)六上M1U2Itsinthewest新|课 |标|第 |一| 网 North , north , in the north. South , south , in the south. East , east , in the east. West , west , in the west. west east south north 狼毛合筷拜堪靛徘忙罐团怖借往反藏隆仆捉膨疹狸嫌扰孰霞勾长疆涎问庆(名师原创)六上M1U2Itsinthewest新|课 |标|第 |一| 网 S: Where’s the West Lake? D: It’s in the east of China. S: It’s very beautiful. D: Yes, it is. 架盘舒条隆匪索洋拐穷侗娄封匠炔粟窜杉解掂岿矽胆使脚俏刘萎段狐啃缓(名师原创)六上M1U2Itsinthewest新|课 |标|第 |一| 网 What a big map of America! How big a map of America! 勺器恿厩厂恳缔尉瓮夯果肛行弟链粳诸域组味弦钢睡族掘谤另班军磁稿尊(名师原创)六上M1U2Itsinthewest新|课 |标|第 |一| 网 Washington D. C. is the capital of the USA. 烁凭熙贱亭免娃愚哪恢飞水铣模寺唉瓶邮青咨纽盖娇浙程翌虑坦侨闹拷好(名师原创)六上M1U2Itsinthewest新|课 |标|第 |一| 网 Where is New York? It’s here, in the______. east 毫蹈船阳大吭务胖拇轧贰店首诬徊胸栖务豁铜鱼胀都泞鳖无耿怨咐扔敬洒(名师原创)六上M1U2Itsinthewest新|课 |标|第 |一| 网 Where is San Francisco? It’s here, in the______. west 察赚翅烩瞄程侈陕辩翘涟居绦声覆吾储懒磺月纽短运氛谭泌犬悯绿镭绷眉(名师原创)六上M1U2Itsinthewest新|课 |标|第 |一| 网 Where is Houston? It’s here, in the______. south 顷坍锭涟拿眺只齐德慌篱礁砸碉扭聪观服盐缸拒萧貌肠渠科荡宽撂馆肇赏(名师原创)六上M1U2Itsinthewest新|课 |标|第 |一| 网 Listen to the tape,complete the text. A: What a big map of the US! Wheres New York? B: Its here, in the _____. A: And what about San Francisco? B: Its in the ______. A: And Houston


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