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湖南省氮肥企业安全生产现状及发展的思考 彭琴 指导老师:尹笃林 王季惠 (湖南师范大学化学化工学院2001级1班,湖南长沙,410081) 摘要:化学肥料工业对农业的贡献是众所周知的。虽然通过近年来的技术改造,我国涌现了一批产量高、消耗低、经济效益好的先进厂,对推动整个小氮肥行业的进步,有着十分重要的意义,但是随着国民经济的迅速增长,我国农业生产对氮肥的需求量也是与日俱增,这就要求氮肥企业的迅速发展。与此同时,氮肥企业安全问题日趋严重,部分氮肥厂设备老化工艺落后环保设施不全,能否已成为中小型氮肥厂能否生存发展的重要制约因素。The Considerance of Status quo and Development on Safe Working of nitrogen fertilizer in Corporation of Hunan Province pengqin Abstrats: As we known, The industry of fertilizer plays a impotant part in the agriculture. In these years ,the tecolonogy advance the development of the corporation of nitrogen fertilizer so that there spring up a lot of excellent factory of higher output、lower consume、better economy, but with the rapid growth of GNP,the amount of nitrogen fertilizer is required more and more,so the corporation of nitrogen fertilizer must develop quickly. At the same time ,the factories exist serious safe problem,such as senescent equipment、laggard carft、scarce experience of management、lack of installation of protecting environment and so on. If the status pro of safety can come up to the level ,the corporation of nitrogen fertilizer may exist and develop. This article analyse the safe status pro of the corporation of nitrogen fertilizer of hunan province,and it give same useful and feasible methods about sustainable develpoment of the vocation of nitrogen fertilizer,so that the corporation of nitrogen fertilizer can save up the energy and bring down the consumption,can get more wonderful economic trend in shorter time. Key words: nitrogen fertilizer Corporation Status quo on Safe Sustainable develpoment Save up the energy and bring down the consumption 绪论 1、引言:氮肥工业的核心就是合成氨。而采用碳化流程的合成氨工艺则是我国小氮肥企业的特色。国内成熟的合成氨生产工艺流程主要包括造气、脱硫、变换、碳化、压缩、精练、合成、冷冻等工序。合成氨生产工艺过程较复杂,流程长,具有高度的连续性。由于生产过程处于高温高压状态,所使用的原料、中间产品、成品大多是易燃易爆、有毒有害和具有强腐蚀性的物质,因此合成氨、甲醇、尿素的生产过程中存在着许多危险有害因素。一旦由于操作、管理不当发生事故,不仅使国家财产遭到不应有的损失,而且操作人员也容易被灼伤、烫伤和中毒。安全生产作为保护人民生命财产安全和发展社会生产力、促进社会和经济持续健康发展的基本条件,是社会文明与进步的重要标志,安全保障是人民生活质量的体现,是全面建设小康社会


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