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①I argued him out of going surfing. 我力劝他不要去冲浪。 ②He argued that they needed more time to finish the project. 他认为他们需要更多的时间来完成该项目。 ③The twins ______ ____ Tom _____ a toy. 那对双胞胎为了一个玩具跟汤姆争吵了起来。 (用适当的介词填空) ④Martain Luther King argued _______ racial discrimination(种族歧视). ⑤Thank you for arguing my husband ___ __ smoking. argued with about against out of They are arguing with their classmates about the solution to the problem.他们正在和同学争论这个问题的解决方法。 Some people argue against free trade. 一些人反对自由贸易。 We argued him into adopting the plan. 我们说服他采纳这项计划。 He argued that the experiment could be done in another way.他辩称这项实验可以换一种方式进行。 He argued ________ smoking,and insisted that it was ______ argument that smoking was harmful to health. A.for;beyond B.against;over C.for;over D.against;beyond 【解析】 argue against意为“为反对……而辩论”;it is beyond argument that...意为“……是无可争辩的”。 7. support vt.支持,拥护;养活;资助;支撑;证实 n.[U]支持;拥护;供养;生计 归纳拓展 (1)Support oneself /one’s family/one’s opinion 自力更生、养家、支持某人的想法 support sb.in sth.在……方面支持某人 support on靠……支撑 (2)in support of sb./sth.支持某人/某事 give/lend/offer/provide support to sb.支持某人 active support积极支持 financial support财政援助 mental support精神支持 These measures are strongly supported by environmental groups. 这些措施得到环境保护组织的大力支持。 He cannot support his children on such a small salary. 凭这么少的工资,他养活不了孩子。 He hurt his ankle,so he had to be supported home. 他伤了脚踝,因此不得不被人搀着回家。 Mr.Wang spoke in support of the proposal. 王先生发言支持该项提议。 ①—I want to take part in the campaign for the election. I hope you will ________ me. —Certainly I will. ②The old lady came in,___herself with a walking stick. A.raising B.Supporting C.supply D.supper support 8.deliver v. (1)投递,传送,送交 (2)发表(演说等),说教,讲,宣布 (3)助产;接生 (4)生(小孩)(只用于被动语态) delivery n.投递,交付 special/express delivery快递 归纳拓展 deliver sth.(to sb.)投递/传送某物(给某人) deliver sb./sth.over to sb.把……移交给某人 deliver a speech/a lecture发表演说 be delivered of a baby=give birth to a baby生孩子 【助记】 ①Would you delive


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