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雷达系统 大作业 一 汉译英 1.线性调频信号 2.二相编码信号 3.侦察和监视雷达 4.杂波抑制 5.恒虚警检测 6.合成孔径雷达 7.干涉合成孔径雷达 8.匹配滤波 9.脉冲压缩 10.多普勒滤波器组 二 英译汉 1.RCS 2.DPCA 3.GMTI 4.GMTD 5.Discrete Fourier Transform 6. in-phase and quadrature components 7.PRF 8. Doppler frequency of ground return 9.Pulse compression 10. Detection probability and the false-alarm probability 三 12选3 1 The velocity of the airborne radar is 100m/s, the beamwidth of the radar is 3 deg.(constant for different look direction), the wavelength of the transmitted signal is 0.03m, compute the clutter Doppler bandwidth of the main beam for the following look direction: (a) 0 deg(relative to the velocity direction);(b) 30 deg(relative to the velocity direction);(c) 60 deg(relative to the velocity direction); If the radar antenna is a phased-array antenna, and the broadside of the antenna is parallel to the velocity direction, then compute the clutter Doppler bandwidth of the main beam for the following look direction(Assume that the beamwidth of the phased-array at 0 deg is 3 deg ): (a) 0 deg(relative to the velocity direction);(b) 30 deg(relative to the velocity direction);(c) 60 deg(relative to the velocity direction). 2 The moon as a radar target may be describe as followings: average distance to the moon is m (about 208,000 nmi); experimentally measured radar cross section is (mean value over a range of radar frequencies); and its radius is m. (a) What is the round-trip time (seconds) of a radar pulse to the moon and back? (b) What should the pulse repetition frequency (prf) be in order to have no range ambiguities? (c) For the purpose of probing the nature of the moon’s surface, a much higher prf could be used than that found in (b). How high could the prf be if the purpose is to observe the echoes from the moon’s half? (d) If an antenna with a diameter of 60 ft and aperture efficiency of 0.6 were used at a frequency of 430MHz with a receiver having a minimum detectable signal of W, what peak power is required? Does your answer surpr


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