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MLA格式 Ⅰ.文内引证 我们在写毕业论文时,一般遵从MLA格式,即现代语言协会(Modern Language Association)所规定的形式。它要求我们在引用时,应对所引材料的来源在文中做一简明的注释(文中夹注),以便读者能够迅速地在论文最后的参考书目中找到该材料出处的一些情况。 在对文内引证进行标明时: 1. 在所引材料后直接加括号,括号内注明作者的姓氏和页码(注:姓氏和页码之间无任何标点符号)。括号之后再加表示中顿或停顿的标点符号。如果是直接引用别人的原话,或该引用的话是以?或!结尾的,则后引号、叹号或问好应置于小括号之前。但括号后仍需加一句号表终结。如 Mueller also writes, “…The question is how many poets—who are not as you say, creatures of pop culture will continue to reflect this” (2). “How do you know it was nothing?” (Hemingway 142). 2. 如果直接引用的部分超过了四行,则所引部分应采用缩进形式,即左右各缩进五个字母的空间,此时不需要使用引号。这时,括号夹注信息应放在引文最终标点符号的后面,而括号后面则无需再用句号。如: The same problem troubles another Hemingway couple in Cat in the Rain. At the beginning of it, Hemingway overuses repetitions: The war monument glistened in the rain. The rain dropped from the palm trees. Water stood in pools on the gravel paths. The see broke in a long line in the rain and slipped back down the bench to came up and break again in the rain. (129) 下面是一些文内引证的具体范例。 A.一位作者一本书 当我们对某一位作者在某一部书中的话语进行引用、重新解释或进行总结时,需要标出作者的姓氏和原始资料在书内所出现的页码。当作者的姓名在文中被提及时,括号内的作者姓氏则可以去掉。只写页数即可,如上几例所示。 B.如果作者为两个或三个,则在括号内须提及全部的作者姓氏。如:(Child, Bertholle and Beck 211))Many bacteria only become dangerous if they manufacture extoxins (Thornas, Lives 76). D.作者不详。此时,可在括号内指明所引书籍的名称再加页码。 On the average, every family has three children in that country (Statistical 8). E.在正文中需要引用几个有相同姓氏的作者的作品时,应吧作者的姓名全部写上。 It is probably in the realm of the short story that his supremacy as writer is least in question (Jackson Benson 12). F. 多卷书本中,一卷以上被引用时,应在作者姓名后,页码前,标明卷数,并用冒号把页码分开。如(Magil 2:75)In his famous advice to the players, Hamlet defines the purpose of the theater, “… whose end, both at the first and now, was and is, to hold, as” it were, the mirror up to nature” (3·2·21—23). In “My Last Duchess”, Browning first mentioned, looking as if she were alive” (line 2). But Later,“… Nay, we’ll go together down, sir” (53—54). H. 引用间接材料。这时在括号里需先注明 Hemingway let his hero Jack Barnes say in his novel


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