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摘 要 本文通过对中美两国高中数学课程标准进行比较分析研究,得出俩者的相同点和不同点,比较各自的优势和不足的地方.同时反思中国课程标准的不足之处,并提出相应的修改意见,以期对中国正在进行的数学课程改革提供借鉴和参考.在研究方法上,本文采用了文献法,比较研究法. 从我国的数学课程理念和美国的学校数学课程原则的比较中,得到以下几点思考与启示. 并且给出了很详细的说明解释了这个原则的内容.对于老师如何在实际教学过程中贯彻该原则都给出了详细指导.在这方面我国做的不够。在我国的理念中,没有给出过多的说明. 数学文化是通过单独的安排内容来渗透给学生的,容易给老师和学生这样的误解:了解了一些数学家的故事,了解了一些数学史诗就很有数学文化底蕴. 中国的数学教学受到应试教育的影响,对一些概念死记硬背和对计算技能重复训练.给于详细而且强示范性的指导,以利于教师的教学实践. 从美国课程标准中可以看到,数学交流作为一个过程目标写进了美国课程标准,要求学生通过交流组织和巩固他们的数学思维,清晰连贯地与同伴、教师或其他人交流他们的数学思维. 在这方面,我国比较忽视. 关键词:中美,数学,课标,对比. Abstract By making a comparison on the standards of mathematic curriculum between Chinese and American senior high school, the thesis has found out the general characteristics and differences between them. The author compared the advantages and disadvantages of them and put forward some suggestions for our country’s mathematic curriculum reform in senior high school. This paper adopted literature, comparison and case study as the study methods. From the concept of mathematics curriculum in our country and the United States the principle of school mathematics curriculum comparison, get the following thinking and enlightenment. And very detailed instructions are given to explain the principles of content. For teachers how to carry out the principle in the actual teaching process are detailed guidance is given. In this respect in China for not doing enough. In our idea, did not give too much. Mathematical culture is through the arrangement of the separate content to permeate to the student, the easy to the teacher and students such misunderstanding: to know the story of some mathematicians, learning some math epic is mathematics culture. Is affected by the exam-oriented education, Chinas mathematics teaching and rote learning some concepts for computing skills repetitions. For detailed and strong demonstration guidance, to facilitate the teaching practice of teachers. Can see from the curriculum standard, mathematics communication process as a goal to write into the curriculum


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