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十佳办公室运动 白领每天做起来 Cant get out of the office? Try these tips for a healthier, less stressful workday. 上班时间没法离开办公室?那就试试这些办公室运动,让你的工作日压力少一点,健康多一点。 1.Desk Push Ups 1.桌上俯卧撑 For upper-body strength: Stand a yard or more away from your desk, with your feet together. Place your palms on the edge of the desk a shoulders width apart. Lower your chest to the edge of the desk, and push back up. Remember to exhale on the way up. Do 20 times. 加强上半身的力量:站在距离办公桌1米远的地方,双脚并拢。两掌按在桌面边缘,与肩同宽。胸部下沉至桌面边缘,再撑起来。起身时呼气。做20次。 2.The Little Mermaid at Work 2.小美人鱼式 For both flexibility and core strength, this is one of the best poses. Sit upright in your chair. Hold your right wrist over your head with your left hand and pull it, stretching your right side. Heidi says make sure to keep your shoulders down as you bend. Hold for 10 seconds. Return to upright posture. Take hold of your left wrist over your head with your right hand and stretch the other way. Repeat five times on each side. 这是训练躯干力量和柔韧性的最好的动作之一。在椅子上坐直。把右拳举过头顶,左手握住,使劲拉,向身体右侧伸展。在弯曲身体时要保持肩膀自然下垂。保持10秒钟。还原。把左拳举过头顶,右手握住用力拉,向身体左侧伸展。每一侧重复5次。 3.Invisible Chair Sit 3.幻椅式 These squats from the chair can be considered as a strengthening exercise. They work best if you lower your seat as far as it will go. Stand in front of your chair with your feet a hips width apart. Place your hands on your hips and lower your butt until its just above the seat. Then sit down as slowly as possible. Do 20 repetitions. 这个幻椅式动作可以作为加强运动。做这个动作时,椅子越低,效果越好。站在椅子前,双脚间距与臀同宽。双手放在臀部,慢慢下蹲到臀部刚好在椅子上方。然后尽可能慢地坐下来。重复20次。 4.Feet-Up Hamstring Stretch 4.伸展腿筋 To ease the hamstrings, lower back and calf muscles, push your chair away from your desk and put a leg up on the desk. (Ladies, try this on a day youre not wearing a skirt.) Flex your foot and lean forward slightly over your leg while keeping your back straight. Hold for 10 seconds. Point your foot, lean and hold for five seconds. Switch legs and repeat. 为了放松腿筋、后腰和小腿肌肉,把椅子搬到离办公桌一腿的距离。(女士们,要在没穿裙子的时候再做这个练习。)勾回脚部,身体稍前倾,保持背部挺直。坚持10秒钟


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