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[ 专题研究 ] 卫生经济研究 2015 年 6 期总第 338 期 中 国 儿 童 治 疗 费 用 核 算 与 分 析 ———基于“卫生费用核算体系 2011” 郭 锋,张毓辉,万 泉,柴培培,翟铁民,王从从,王秀峰 (国家卫生计生委卫生发展研究中心,北京 100191) 摘要:基于“卫生费用核算体系 2011”,核算 2012 年中国儿童治疗费用总量、受益人群费用分布、机构流 向 及筹资方案等。 结果显示:2012 年我国儿童治疗费用为 1131.85 亿元 ,占儿童经常性卫生费用的 64.56% ,儿童 人均治疗费用为 1469.08 元 ;传染病、 围产期及营养疾病消耗了较多的治疗资源;治疗费用主要发生在医院,基 层医疗卫生机构治疗费用份额较低 ;治疗费用中家庭卫生支出占比为 65.88%。 关键词:SHA2011 ;卫生费用核算;儿童治疗费用 中图分类号:R195 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-7778(2015 )06-0008-04 The Expenditure Accounting and Analysis of Financing for Children Treatment in China ———Based on the System of Health Account 2011 GUO Feng, ZHANG Yu-hui, WAN Quan, CHAI Pei-pei, ZHAI Tie-min, WANG Cong-cong, WANG Xiu-feng (China National Health Development Research Center, Beijing 100191, China ) Abstract:Based on the System of Health Account 2011, the national expenditure on treatment for children, the beneficiary population distribution fees, the flows of institutions and financing programs was accounted in 2012. The results showed that national expenditure on treatment for children was 113.185 billion yuan in 2012, accounting for 64.56% of the regular health expenses on children, the average cost of treatment was 1469.08 yuan; infectious diseases, perinatal and nutritional diseases consumed most part of treatment resources; the treatment expenditure was mainly from hospitals, while lower from primary health care institutions; the cost of treatment accounted for 65.88% of the family health cost. Key words:SHA 2011; national health account; financing for children treatment 儿童治疗费用核算是儿童卫生费用核算的子账 服务等资源的货币表现; 用于评价一个国家或地区 户,可以回答儿童治疗服务筹资的很多具体问题。 例 儿童治疗服务消耗的医疗卫生资源, 同时反映儿童 如, 儿童治疗费用核算结果能够揭示全社会花费了 治疗费用的筹集、分配、使


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