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如何应对家庭生活中的经济暴力? Jean Chatzky: How to deal with the financial bully in your life We all know that couples fight about money. In fact, as many fights are debt-centric, the holidays are high season for knock down drag out financial brawls. 众所周知,夫妻之间经常因为经济问题发生争吵。事实上,许多人争吵的核心问题都与债务有关,而节日季更是经济问题导致争吵的高发期。 But the fact that one in 10 married folks thinks their spouse is a financial bully? That headline, from a recent CreditK survey, was news to me—which makes me think itll be news to you, too (Ive been covering this world for 20 years.) 信用分查询网站CreditK近期一份调查的大标题称,事实上,每十对夫妻中就有一对认为家中存在“经济暴力”。这种说法对我而言很新鲜(我本人研究经济问题已经有20年之久)——而且我认为许多读者肯定也是第一次听说。 What exactly is financially bullying? When we talk about teen bullying or online bullying or workplace bullying, its when a person in a position of power intimidates another person to do what they want. Financial bullying is very much the same, says Relationship Therapist Argie J. Allen, Ph. D. Director of Clinical Training at Drexel Universitys Couple and Family Therapy Department. Financial bullying is all about power and control. So one spouse might be particularly dictatorial – and intimidating -- over how the other handles money. Its also a sign of trouble to come. The less financial freedom a person has, the more vulnerable they are in the relationship. 到底什么是经济暴力?我们所说的青少年暴力、网络暴力或者职场暴力等,都是指拥有权力的一方,威胁其他人按自己的意愿去做事。德雷塞尔大学(Drexel University)夫妻与家庭治疗系(Couple and Family Therapy Department)的临床训练主任、关系治疗师阿吉?J?艾伦博士认为,经济暴力与其他暴力行为基本相同。“经济暴力的根源也是权力和控制。也就是说,夫妻一方对于对方如何花钱,态度上非常专横,令人惧怕。这也是夫妻关系即将出现问题的标志。”一个人的经济自由越少,在这种关系当中就越容易受到伤害。 Before we take a look at the specific bullying behaviors (CreditKarma isolated five) and what to do about them, lets dispense with some pre-conceived notions. According to the research, bullying is an equal opportunity offense. Just as many men feel bullied as women. Its actually more common among the younger members of the Millennial and Y generations than it is among Xers and Boomers. And, it happens across the economic sp


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