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安徽农业科学,Journal of Anhui Agri . Sci .2008 ,36( 18) :7526 - 7528 责任编辑 罗芸 责任校对 李洪 乙醇沉淀法提取柚皮果胶的工艺研究 * 储君, 王海鸥 ( 江南大学食品学院, 江苏无锡2 14122) 摘要 [ 目的] 优化 乙醇沉淀法提取柚皮果胶 的工艺。[ 方法] 采 用乙醇沉淀法提取柚 皮果胶, 探讨柚皮提取液浓缩程度、沉淀用 乙醇的 浓度和用量、沉淀时间、洗涤用乙醇的浓度和 用量、洗涤次数对果胶沉淀得率及产率的影响。[ 结果] 当柚皮浓缩液与原提取液体积 比为 2 ∶5 时, 果胶沉淀得率为75 .56 % , 且产品的表观品质较好 。沉淀用乙醇与柚皮提取液体积 比以1 ∶2 较合适, 沉 淀用乙醇浓度取80 % 。混 合体 系中果胶 浓度为 3 .678 mg/ ml , 乙醇 与水 的体 积 百分含 量 分 别 为44 .4 % 和55 .6 % 。当沉淀 时 间为30 min 时, 果胶 沉 淀得率 达 98 .55 % 。沉淀粗果胶 洗涤1 次即可, 洗涤用乙醇浓度选40 % , 洗涤用乙醇与柚皮提取液体积 比为1 ∶5 。[ 结论] 在该研究确定的工艺条件 下, 乙醇沉淀法提取的柚皮果胶 的品质较好 。 关键词 柚皮; 果胶; 乙醇沉淀 中图分类号 TS255 .4 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517 - 6611( 2008) 18 - 07526 - 03 Study on the Extraction Technology of Pectin fromPomelo Peel by Using Alcohol Precipitation Method CHU Jun et al ( College of Food Science and Technology , Southern Yangtze University , Wuxi , Jiangsu 214122) Abstract [ Obj ective] The ai m of the research was to opti mize the technology of extracti ng pectin from pomelo peel by using ethanol preci pitation method . [ Method] Pectin was extracted from pomelo peel by using ethanol precipitation method . The effects of the condensation degree of the extracting solution of pomelo peel , the concn . and dose of ethanol for precipitation , precipitation ti me , the concn . and dose of ethanol for washing and washi ngti mes on the yiel d and production rate of pectin precipitate were studied . [ Result] When the volume ratio of the concentrated solution of pomelo peel to the origi- nal extracting liquid was 2 ∶5 , the yield of pectin precipitate was 75 .56 % and the external qualities of products were better . The suitable volume ratio of ethanol to the extracti ng liquid of po melo peel was 1 ∶2 and the concn . of ethanol for precipitation was 80 % . The pectin concn . in the mixed systemwas 3 .678 mg/ ml and the vol ume percentage


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