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没有创新的世界移动通信大会 The hottest showcase for new technology at this years Mobile World Congress wasnt in the events cavernous exhibition halls. It was actually about two miles away, at an affiliated show for startups and venture capitalists. 在今年的巴塞罗那世界移动通信大会(Mobile World Congress)上,最热门的新技术并没有放在宽敞的主展厅里展示,而是在两英里外的一个专为初创公司和风投公司开设的辅展区里亮相。 In a makeshift array of stages, geodesic tents and seats made from beer crates, organizers of the spinoff gathering titled Four Years From Now, or 4YFN, played host to an array of mobile-related startups with products like GPS for motorcycle helmets, and an application for Google Inc.s computer-enabled glasses that lets users buy things with a nod of the head. 主办方给这个展区取名为“四年之后”(Four Years From Now),展区内有临时搭建的展台、圆顶帐篷和用啤酒箱制作的方便座椅,在这里,移动领域的初创公司展示了一系列必威体育精装版的科技产品,有专供摩托车头盔使用的GPS导航,有针对谷歌(Google Inc.)眼镜开发的能让用户点点头就可以买东西的应用程序。 This is where the real innovation happens, said Christopher Pommerening, co-founder of venture-capital firm Active Venture Partners, as a rock band blared on a nearby stage. Over there, innovation means having a phone that is a millimeter smaller than last years. 风投公司Active Venture Partners的联合创始人波莫瑞宁(Christopher Pommerening)说:这里展示的才是真正的创新。在主展区,比去年薄1毫米的手机都叫创新。就在他说话的时候,一支摇滚乐队正在附近一个展台上卖力献唱。 Innovation has been hard to come by in Barcelona this year. At over one million square feet, Mobile World Congress is the mobile industrys biggest yearly conference. But this years show offered another cascade of glass-slab devices that varied in size and, maybe, color. 在今年的巴塞罗那,人们很难见到创新。展厅面积超过9万平米的世界移动通信大会是移动行业最大的年度盛会。但今年的大会再度充斥着一堆只是尺寸或颜色略有不同的平板设备。 That stagnation reflects a broader shift in the mobile business, as the smartphone revolution nears the end of its first wave, with penetration beginning to plateau in developed countries. New advances are coming increasingly from pure tech companies developing new Web- and location-enabled services, or even tiny makers of apps and gadgets far away from the main action. 创新的停滞反映了移动行业正在经历的重大变化。第一波智能手机革命已接


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