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Lesson 2 Income Level and the World Market I.教学目的 掌握国内生产总值,国民生产总值,人均收入等概念的含义。了解划分高收入,中等收入和低收入国家的标准及收入水平与市场的关系。熟悉世界市场的情况。 II.教学重难点 1   Gross national product (GNP) and gross domestic product (GDP). 2   Per capita income and per capita GDP. 3   High income, middle income and low income countries.   A. standards for classification   B. representative countries 4   Triad and Quad.   A. United States   B. Western Europe   C. Japan   D. Canada 5   Other important markets for China. III. 教学方法 讲解(传授新知识[口授法])和课堂练习(巩固知识技能[探讨研究法)相结合。讲授为主,配以师生互动实训,PPT等。 IV.教学学时:4学时 V. 教学步骤 1. New vocabulary 1) potential [p?uten??l] n. 潜能;可能性;[电] 电势 adj. 潜在的;可能的;势的 This new invention has enormous sales potential. Have potential to do/ as 2) clue n. 线索 The police found a clue which will help them catch the robber. Clue to do sth. 3) bulk [b?lk] n. 体积,容量;大多数,大部分;大块 vt. 使扩大,使形成大量;使显得重要 Sugar is imported in bulk(散装) from the mainland. 4)tap [t?p] vt. 轻敲;轻打;利用,开发 We should tap into(利用) our currency reserves 5) proximity [pr?ksimiti] n. 亲近,接近;[数] 邻近 Proximity to 2. Trade Terms: 1) national income国民收入: the total net value of all goods and services produced within a nation over a specified period of time. 一个国家在某一特定时期内货物和服务的总净价值。 2)GNP国民生产总值: Gross national Product. The market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an economy. 3) per capita income人均收入:it is calculated by dividing its national income by its population.一个国家的国民收入除以其人口数。 4)Per capita GDP人均国内生产总值: It is calculated by dividing its total GDP by its population, which reveals the average income level of consumers.一个国家的国内生产总值除以起人口数。 5)PPP购买力平价: Purchasing power parity是一种根据各国不同的价格水平计算出来的货币之间的等值系数,以对各国的国内生产总值进行合理比较。但是,这种理论汇率与实际汇率可能有很大的差距。 例如:根据该杂志必威体育精装版一期的巨无霸指数,一份巨无霸汉堡包的价格在中国为13.2元人民币,在美国为3.73美元,由此推断,人民币对美元的汇率应该为3.54:1,比目前的汇率低了很多。实际上,按照“巨无霸指数”推算的人民币对美元的汇率一直比现行汇率低不少,因此这个指数也经常被一些西方经济学家用来佐证各种“人民币被低估”的理论 6)consumerism消费主义: the theory that a progressively greater consumption of goods is economic


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