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陌 ?相 “陌 ? 相”展览展出的是申胜秋、张绍垣、刘仁杰、杨飞云、胡建成、刘亚明、庞茂琨、 刘钧、程勇九位艺术家的近四十幅人物肖像作品,艺术家们选取生活中最为熟知的场景 和人物作为描绘对象,运用或现实主义或古典主义或照相写实主义的不同表现手法,生 动逼真地刻画出人物的外在特征和内在神韵,以形传神,表现出人物的内在气质和情感。 然而,这些形象对于我们来说却又是既熟悉又陌生的。熟悉是指人所具有的共性,比如 喜怒哀乐的表达,陌生则是指人的个性不同,人的内心世界难以扑捉,虽然我们很熟悉 对方但也经常会有难以解读对方的感受,因为真实的内心常常被隐藏,这是人性的疏离。 人与人的情感既近又远,既远又近。 中国戏剧大师曹禺先生曾经说过:“我喜欢写人,我爱人,我写出我认为是英雄的可喜 的人物;我也恨人,我写过卑微、琐碎的小人……我感到人是多么需要理解,又是多么 难以理解,没有一个文学家敢讲这句话:‘我把人说清楚了’。”文学家如此,艺术家 亦如此,这九位艺术家正是在自己的画布上倾诉着对生命的感悟和对人的真挚情感。 The Familiar Stangers The Familiar Strangers is a group exhibition of 9 artists including Shen Shengqiu, Zhang Shaoyuan, Liu Renjie, Yang Feiyun, Hu Jiancheng, Liu Yaming, Pang Maokun, Liu Jun and Cheng Yong with 40 pieces of the portrait paintings. The artists have carefully selected their most familiar scenes and characters to be the subjects of the works. With the use of Realism, Classism and Photo Realism, the artists delicately depict not only the external features of the persons but also their inner verve to show their personalities and emotions. We may feel familiar and yet unfamiliar to those strangers in the paintings. We feel familiar in the way we express happiness and sorrows the same way. Yet we feel unfamiliar when we could hardly read one’s mind and identify with him/her. And it is through the familiarity, unfamiliarity and the distance in a relationship, we understand more about a person. The master of Chinese Opera Mr. Cao Yu once said: “I like writing about “people”. Sometimes I love them. So I’ve depicted the greatest heroes who inspire and delight us; sometimes I hate them, so you could also see the most miserable and unimportant ones under my pen…We are so eager but meanwhile too difficult to be understood. No one has dare said: ‘I’ve figured out how to read about people.’” Neither is there a painter who says so. But it’s obvious that these 9 artists have managed to reveal their feelings of life and their sincere emotions through their portrait paintings. 申 胜秋


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