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WHALE HUNTING WHALE Whale is an aquatic animal,characterized by a nearly hairless body, anterior limbs modified into broad flippers, vestigial posterior limbs, and a flat, notched tail. Translation: 鲸是一种水生动物,特征为身体几乎无毛、前肢变成宽大的鳍、后肢退化及尾扁平而分叉 WHALE HUNTING Whale hunting has been banned since 1986 in order to prevent their extinction.This ban made an exception for indigenous folk,such as Inuit in Greenland and Canada.There is also a clause which allows hunting for scientific study.Despite this ban,Japan,Norway and Iceland have continued to hunt,minke whales in particular,under the guise of scientific research. Translation: 鲸鱼狩猎被禁止自1986以防止其灭绝。这一禁令为原住民例外,如在格陵兰和加拿大的纽特人。还有一个条款,允许科学研究狩猎。尽管这一禁令,日本,挪威和冰岛继续捕猎小须鲸,且是科学研究的幌子下。 WHALE HUNTING All North Sea folk have been involved in the past in whale hunting for either a shorter or longer period of time.In those days,the whale oil was important,which was boiled out of the layer of fat.In order to find the whales,one sailed to the north Arctic Sea or further. Translation: 所有的北海的人们一直在或长或短的的一段时间内参与猎鲸。在那些日子里,鲸鱼油是重要的,是煮出来的脂肪层。为了找到鲸鱼,他们需要航行到北极海或者更远。 WHALE HUNTING The harpoon was founded in the 20th century,which made hunting of the faster whales possible.Since then ,more than a million blue and fin whaled have been reduced into oil and steaks. Translation: 鱼叉发明于第二十世纪,使得即使鲸游得很快也可以成功捕猎。自那时以来,超过一百万的蓝鳍鲸已经变成到油和鱼排。 WHALE HUNTING Whale hunting was found controversial in the 1970s.The International Whale Commission(IWC) put an end to commercial whale hunting in1985.At the end of 1994 in Mexico,the IWC decided to designate a reserve for all whales species near Antarctica.It concerned a permanent and absolute hunting ban for all seas south of 40 degrees latitude. Translation: 在上世纪70年代猎鲸产生争议。国际捕鲸委员会(IWC)在1985年宣布结束商业捕鲸。1994年底在墨西哥,国际捕鲸委员会决定对在南极洲所有鲸鱼物种进行储备。这一举措关注的一个永恒的、绝对的,所有海域北纬40度南都禁止狩猎。 JAPAN CONTINUES WHALE HUNTING On Nov. 18, a fleet of four Japanese vessels left Shimonoseki harbor in Western Japan to begin its five-month whale hunt in the An


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