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Metallurgical Engineering 冶金工程, 2016, 3(2), 72-78 Published Online June 2016 in Hans. /journal/meng /10.12677/meng.2016.32011 文章引用: 唐广鹏, 贾丹斌, 杨鑫, 周秀丽, 温天朋, 戴文斌. 低碳钢连铸坯的低倍组织检验[J]. 冶金工程, 2016, 3(2): 72-78. /10.12677/meng.2016.32011 The Low Times Structure Inspection of the Continuous Casting Slab of Low Carbon Steel Guangpeng Tang1, Danbin Jia1, Xin Yang1, Xiuli Zhou2, Tianpeng Wen1, Wenbin Dai1* 1School of Metallurgy, Northeastern University, Shenyang Liaoning 2Meishan Steel Plant, Nanjing Jiangsu Received: May 15th, 2016; accepted: Jun. 6th, 2016; published: Jun. 9th, 2016 Copyright ? 2016 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract The method of low times test is used to test the solidification structure and the distribution of ma- cro defect of the continuous casting slab. In this paper, several common methods of low times test are analyzed and compared, and then we conclude that the cold acid corrosion is the simplest and most practical method for laboratory condition. This paper aims to explore the corrosion of cold acid for the low carbon steel; however, we got unideal results after we used some traditional cor- rosion for this steel. Since the information of solidification structure was fuzzy, the crystal and equal axial grain have unclear boundary. So I make some improvement for the traditional corro- sion. Anhydrous alcohol, ferric sulfate and sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate are added to the aqueous solution of nitric acid in a certain proportion. Consequently, we get clear solidification structure information. Keywords Low Times Test, Low Carbon Steel, Corrosion, Solidification Structure 低碳钢连铸坯的低倍组织检验 唐广鹏1,贾丹斌1,杨 鑫1,周秀丽2,温天朋1,戴文斌1* 1东北大学冶金学院,辽宁 沈阳 2梅山钢铁股份有限公司,江苏 南京 *通讯作者。 唐广鹏 等 73 收稿日期:2016年5月15日;录用日期:2016年6月6日;发布日期:2016年6月9日 摘 要 连铸坯的低倍检验方法是检验连铸坯的凝固组织以及宏观缺陷分布情况的一种方法。本文将


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