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e) 处于睡眠状态的睡眠节点关闭所有通信和检测功能,不进行信号的发送、接收和侦听,在Ts 秒后将重新回到试探状态。 GAF算法介绍 f) 簇头节点在活动状态将维持T a秒,在 Ta 秒内每隔1 秒簇头节点将广播一次Message 信息,保证睡眠节点即使回到发现状态后,仍来不及广播其Message信息,而被迫重新转到睡眠状态。T a秒结束后簇头节点将重新回到发现状态,返回步骤d)进行新一轮的簇头选举。 GAF算法介绍 参考文献: GAF算法介绍 Matlab资源 ASCENT(自适应自配置拓扑结构) Adaptive Self-Configuring sEnsor Networks Topologies Does not depend on the routing protocol Decision about joining the network based on local measurements Each node measures the number of neighbors and packet loss locally. (探测状态) Each node then makes an informed decision to join the network topology or to sleep by turning its radio off. (睡眠状态) A. Cerpa, D. Estrin, Ascent: Adaptive Self-Configuring Sensor Network Topologies, Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2002. * ASCENT Nodes can be in active or passive state Active nodes are part of the topology (or stay awake) and forward data packets (活动状态) Nodes in passive state can be sleeping or collecting network measurements. They do not forward any packets. (被动状态) An active node may send help messages to solicit passive neighbors to become active if it is experiencing a low message loss A. Cerpa, D. Estrin, Ascent: Adaptive Self-Configuring Sensor Network Topologies, Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2002. * ASCENT Nodes can be in active or passive state A node that joins the network (test state) sends an announcement message. This process continues until the number of active nodes is such that the experienced message loss is below a pre-defined application-dependent threshold. The process will re-start when some future network event (e.g. a node failure) or a change in the environmental conditions causes an increase in the message loss. A. Cerpa, D. Estrin, Ascent: Adaptive Self-Configuring Sensor Network Topologies, Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2002. * ASCENT A communication hole is detected Transition from passive to active state Final State Network Self-Configuration - Example A. Cerpa, D. Estrin, Ascent: Adaptive Self-Configuring Sensor Network Topologies, Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2002. * ASCENT A commu


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