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第 11 卷 第 6 期 实验科学与技术 Vol.11 No.6 2013 年 12 月 Experiment Science and Technology Dec.2013 ? 学生实验园地 ? 基于电磁感应的无线充电研究 张家乐,廖 刚 ,王 凡 ,严一民,宁智华 ! 电子科技大学物理电子学院,成都 610054) 摘要:有线到无线是电子类设计中人们追求的目标,而且已经被实现。无线充电是利用一种特殊设备将电源插座的电力转 变为可充电的电波,从而在扔掉电线的情况下直接对电子设备充电。如果将两个线圈分别设计成发射端和接收端,输入端 的信号(电流)随着时间的变化可以产生变化来使接收端感应产生电流,充分利用了电生磁、磁生电的原理。无线充电打破 以往有线充电的常规思路,旨在说明无线充电这种新的成果比有线有更多的优点。同时设计的两路输出电压,正常的稳定 安全充电以提供在某些紧急情况下的电池快速充电。 关 键 词 :无线充电;电磁感应;硬件设计;多功能充电器 中图分类号:TN86 文献标志码:A doi :10. 3969/j. issn. 1672 -4550. 2013.06.062 Research on the Wireless Charger Based on Electromagnetic Induction ZHANG Jiale, LIAO Gang, WANG Fan, YAN Yimin, NING Zhihua (School of Physical Electronics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China) Abstract :The transformation from wired to wireless has been a goal which modern people are still pursued in the electronic design, and it has been realized. Wireless charging can change the power of mains jack into the rechargeable waves, then directly charging e- lectronic equipment when we are ender the wireless. If both coils are designed into transmitting terminal and receiving end, the trans- form of inverting input ( current) signals can make the receiving end response the current, it brings electro-magnetic induction and magnetic-electro induction to the full. Wireless charging cable breaks the previous conventional thinking, aims to show wireless char- ging has more advantages than wired. The output voltage of the two normal stable can be designed at the same time and safe charging and fast charging battery in certain emergency situations. Key words: wireless charging; elec


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