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玩得开心 enjoy oneself 吉他表演 guitar playing 表演魔术 perform magic tricks 摔倒 fall down 伤到某人自己 hurt oneself 马上 at once 昨晚 last night 回家作 come home 怎么了? What’s the matter (with you)? What’s wrong (with you)? What’s up (with you)? 忘记去做某事 forget to do sth. 不要太晚 don’t be so late 忘记做过了某事 forget doing sth. 下次 next time 手工制作 make… by hand 围……坐 sit around… 许愿 make a wish 吹灭 blow out 玩游戏 play games 有一天 one day 在春/夏/秋/冬天 in spring/summer/fall/winter 爬山 climb hills 天气怎么样? What’s the weather like? 堆雪人 make snowmen 很难说 It’s hard to say. 学做某事 learn to do sth. 一切顺利吗? How are things going? 记得去做某事 remember to do sth. 记得去做某事 remember doing sth. 穿上 put on 外出 go outsides 暑假 the summer holidays 从……摔下来 fall from …… 最好做某事 had better do sth. 戴墨镜 wear sunglasses 后来 later on 复苏 come back to life 变绿 turn green 开花 come out 下大雨 It rains heavily. 从……持续到…… last from…to… 散步 take a walk 刮大风 the wind blows strongly 看见某人做某事 see sb. doing sth. 立即 、马上 right away at once 回到家 get back home 回家 come back home return home 忙于做某事 be busy doing sth. be busy with sth. 到……旅行 travel around… 相聚 get together 希望做某事 hope to do sth. 名胜 places of interest 一整年 all year round 听起来很有趣 It sounds very interesting. 旅行 take a trip 准备做某事 prepare to do sth. 保证安全 keep safe 决定做某事 decide to do sth. * 校园生活 school life 乘坐交通工具 by + 交通工具 在校园门口 at school gate 对……也一样 the same to… 看起来漂亮 look nice 步行 on foot 快点,加油 come on 乘地铁 by subway / take the subway 骑自行车 by bike / ride a bike 该做什么的时候 It’s time for sth. It’s time to do sth. 乘飞机 by plane / take a plane 乘火车 by train / take a train 乘小车 by car / drive a car 乘船 by ship / by boat 乘公共汽车 by bus / take a bus 起床 get up 在工作日 on weekdays 吃早餐 have breakfast 在早上 In the morning 上课 have classes / have lessons 放学后 after school 到家 / 到达某地 get home / get to sp. 踢球 play soccer / play football 做作业 do one’s homework 看电视 watch TV 一会儿 (for) a short time 去睡觉 go to bed 打篮球 play basketball 去游泳 go s