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Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. (Steve Jobs,2005) * * 企业使命(愿景)开发的五步骤流程 : (1)建立规划小组 ,进行领悟力训练; (2)形成核心要素 :头脑风暴法; (3)讨论这些核心要素 ; (4)阐述经过考验的使命(愿景)说明 :可以选定一个部门来测试; (5)在企业范围内推广使命(愿景) 。 VCD信息支撑(GE):推行企业愿景是否是企业领导者的一时冲动、“排脑袋”的结果? * Is there best time for establishing vision statement and (or) Mission statement? * 作用于利益相关者(stakeholders) 影响高层管理团队(凝聚力、感召力) 影响员工行为规范,降低交易成本 影响投资者:业务定位、商业模式 影响政府和社会公众:社会责任(SA8000) Case: Alibaba * “我也相信,不管任何原因,我们今天活了下来,但是我们还有92年要走,这92年,我们凭什么再走下去,前十年阿里巴巴只有两大产品,第一个产品就是我们的员工,第二个产品就是我们的客户。我想,在这儿想分享几样东西,未来十年阿里巴巴必须坚持的事情。第一阿里巴巴是使命感驱动,价值观驱动的公司,8年多来阿里巴巴每个季度考核价值观,每个季度、每个月是靠自己的使命感,每一个人都是靠自己的使命感而坚持。有人说阿里巴巴创办的是理想主义公司,我今天还是觉得,阿里巴巴充满理想主义和充满现实主义的公司,阿里巴巴没有理想不可能走到现在。未来十年我们永远是家理想主义公司,当然一定会脚踏实地,如果不充满现实主义的去做任何点点滴滴的事情,我相信我们也不会活到现在,我们永远会坚持客户第一、员工第二,股东第三。让华尔街所有的投资者骂我们吧,我们坚持客户第一、员工第二、股东第三。 ” * * Mission is not individual expectation ,but collective (shared) expectation. Only when organization in trouble do strategist to develop statement of vision is a gamble. The statement of vision and mission are effective vehicles for communication with important internal and external stakeholders. * A declaration of attitude The reasons for a mission statement is usually broad in scope. First, generation and consideration of a range of feasible alternative objectives and strategies’ creativity. Second, reconcile differences among diverse stakeholders and appeal to them. An effective mission statement should not be too lengthy; recommended lengthy is less than 200 words. * A customer orientation A good mission statement describes an organization’s customers, products or services. A good mission statement reflects the anticipation of customers.(P.66) To attract customers who give meaning to an organiz-ation is a major reason for developing a business mis-sion. * A declaration of social policy Social policy embrace managerial philosophy and thinking at the hig


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