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一、Good afternoon, I am very glad to share something about the culture of traditional chinese tea. 二、Refering to Chiese tea, it can be traced back to the ancient times. And it was flourished in the Tang dynasty and the Song dynasty. 三、China is the first country that found tea plant.We can say,the invents of tea in other countrys in the world,derectly or inderectly,are basically spread out from China. If our ancients did not find tea, it would be impossible that we can drink milk tea and taste matcha cke in a cosy afternoon or taste. 四—九、There are various kinds of tea in our country including six categories. 绿茶:黄山毛峰、六安瓜片、太平猴魁、信阳毛尖、西湖龙井 红茶:小种红茶(正山小种)、工夫红茶(祁红、滇红)、红碎茶 黑茶:云南普洱、安化黑茶、四川边茶、康砖金尖 乌龙茶:冻顶乌龙、铁观音、大红袍、水金龟 白茶:白毫银针、白牡丹、贡眉、寿眉 黄茶:蒙顶黄芽、君山银针、温州黄汤、海马工茶 十、This is top ten chinese tea. 十一、China?is?a?country?with?a?timehonored?civilization?and?a?land?of?ceremony?and?decorum.?Whenever?guests?visit,?it?is?necessary?to?make?and?serve?tea?to?them.?Before?serving?tea,?you?may?the?most?appropriate?teacups. The green tea is suitable for the glass cup. The yellow and white tea is fit for ceramic [s??r?m?k] cup. You should ues boccaro [b?kɑ:r??] cup to drink dark, black and oolong tea. 十四、There are some tips for making traditional Chinese tea. For green tea,the water temperature of 65℃ to 75℃is best. Diffrernt seasons ought to choose different tea, in summar it is good for your health to drink green tea, it is the right choice to drink oolong tea, black tea or dark tea in winter. 绿茶 未经发酵制成的茶,保留了鲜叶的天然物质,将采摘来的鲜叶先经高温杀青,杀灭了各种氧化酶,保持了茶叶绿色,然后经揉捻、干燥而制成 黄茶 轻发酵茶类,加工工艺近似绿茶,只是在干燥过程的前或后,增加一道“闷黄”的工艺,促使其多酚叶绿素等物质部份氧化。 红茶 属全发酵茶,是以适宜的茶树新牙叶为原料,经萎凋、揉捻(切)、发酵、干燥等一系列工艺过程精制而成的茶。 白茶 微发酵茶,指采摘后,不经杀青或揉捻,只经过晒或文火干燥后加工的茶 乌龙茶 亦称青茶、半发酵茶及全发酵茶,经过采摘、萎凋、摇青、炒青、揉捻、烘焙等工序后制出的品质优异的茶类。 黑茶 后发酵茶,采用的原料较粗老,是压制紧压茶的主要原料。制茶工艺一般包括杀青、揉捻、渥堆和干燥四道工序


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