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          ! #$% ()*+,-./01 02345 67 89:;=2?@A BC;D(EF GFHI GFJK:L8M3NOPQR-P STUVW X +,02YZ[ 01\][:LA^_3` ab c -P;def 3Cgh ijk -P #$%  % lmn +,01 +,02  PERFORMANCE AND APPLICATION OF NEW ULTRASONIC TOFD TECHNIQUE FOR WELDED JOINTS  (Wuxi Huaguang Boiler Co., Ltd. Jiangsu 214028, China) Abstract: This article descries the general principles for the application of the time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD) technique for detection, sizing and characterizing of discontinuities in welded joins. The equipment constitute, technique performance and application results are also outlined. The new TOFD technique may be used to the inspection both in manufacture and service for power boilers, Pressure vessels, pipelines and construction members. It has the features resolving the inherent problems in usual UT technigue, such as lack of visual images in characterisizing, lack of objectiveness in sizing and lack of resalt records. It is the new leap in developing of ultrasonic testing technique accepting the challenge of a limit. Keywords: Ultrasonic testing; TOFD technique; Diffraction wave; D-type presentation; Sizing of Defects; Characterisizing of Defects.       !#$%   $ ( )* +(  ,-.! /012# ( !$ (345 6 78 9:6 ;) +( === ? % @ A B#$ ( ;) +( $ (345 6CDEFGHIJ  K L M B  N O P  Q RR= S T U V W - X Y Z E F (345 6 G H  [ \P ]^_`Sa === bc789:6$defG2g?h  ijklEF!efHmnYop qr8 s78tuvwxy z {|$}~?6 ??? ?K P!? (345 6 ?~????8? g 5 ??????????? ???? ?? ?(3 ?????????hP? ???¢£ Y¤¢j (345 6EFGH¥|??§¨?a ??-¨???  i   ˉ °±GHg2GHV3′μ? ?$    ·? 0 bc (345 61789:6 (o???4??àá5????á?(??à??? |V ??èé)êO ?ìí??GH!D ?ò? ?ó ?[12 ?|?×bc8? ef?ù?ú§$?G2efüjYT\?h oCD7?àáa9:?| efm?h? -?¨?êbc?à?????efèé¥6ê?ìí $? 8?6?h?e?òóc??? H¥? efy|?÷? t?y|ùú? ?üyt?  (345 6????¨  n?EFbcefG2g?h??? )  ?| ?bcef??ì


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