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煤中含杂原子有机化合物的分析与分离 魏贤勇,宗志敏,李保民,赵炜,王晓华,倪中海,孙林兵,黄耀国, 丁明洁,刘滋武 (中国矿业大学化学工程学院,江苏徐州 221008 ) 摘要:与其它化石资源相比,煤中含杂原子有机化合物(HACOCs )的含量很高。燃煤过程中诸多 HACOCs 转化为有害气体或气溶胶释放到大气中造成严重的环境污染。但是,煤中诸多HACOCs 本身可以作为精细化 学品利用,附加值很高。因此,从分子水平上了解煤中HACOCs 的存在形态对于控制燃煤污染及有效分离和 利用这些化合物具有重要意义。本研究采用分级萃取、温和氧化、醇解和催化加氢及GC/MS 分析等方法从国 内外10 余种煤样中检测出近百种含氧、硫、氮、磷、氯、溴和碘的有机化合物,采用分级萃取和柱层析的方 法从灵武煤中分离出一系列含氧和氮的有机化合物纯品,为深入揭示煤中HACOCs 的组成结构提供了借鉴。 关键词:煤;含杂原子有机化合物;分级萃取;温和氧化;醇解;催化加氢;GC/MS 分析 Analysis and separation of heteroatom-containing organic compounds from coals Wei Xianyong, Zong Zhimin, Li Baomin, Zhao Wei, Wang Xiaohua, Ni Zhonghai, Sun Linbing, Huang Yaoguo, Ding Mingjie, Liu Ziwu (School of Chemical Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221008, Jiangsu, China) Abstract: The contents of heteroatom-containing organic compounds (HACOCs) in coals are much higher than those in other fossil resources. Large amounts of HACOCs are converted to harmful gases and aerosol and emitted into air, leading to severe environmental pollution. However, a number of HACOCs themselves in coals can be used as value-added fine chemicals. Hence, understanding the composition and mode of occurrence of HACOCs on molecular level is important both for controlling pollution from coal combustion and for efficiently separating and utilizing the compounds. More than 100 HACOCs, including oxygen-, sulfur-, nitrogen-, phosphorus-, chlorine-, bromine- and iodine-containing organic compounds, were detected using fractional extraction, mild oxidation, alkanolysis, catalytic hydrogenation and GC/MS analysis. A series of oxygen- and nitrogen-containing organic compounds were isolated from Lingwu coal by fractional extraction and subsequent column chromatography. The inves


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