2013高中英语 Unit21 Human Biology Section Ⅲ 课时跟踪检测课下作业 北师大版选修7.docVIP

2013高中英语 Unit21 Human Biology Section Ⅲ 课时跟踪检测课下作业 北师大版选修7.doc

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2013高中英语 Unit21 Human Biology Section Ⅲ 课时跟踪检测课下作业 北师大版选修7

Section Ⅲ Communication Workshop Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Under no circumstances (情形) are you to leave the house. 2.The boys equipped (装备) themselves with food and water, and set off. 3.He had observed how greatly customs and ideas vary, and he had grown sceptical (怀疑的). 4.My house is being painted, so I have to stay in a temporary ( 临时的) one. 5.There is growing concern (担忧) about the effects of pollution on health. 6.All the papers must be submitted (提交) by Monday. 7.Unfortunately, the disaster robbed (使丧失) him of his left leg. 8.He considered it a sacred (神圣的) duty to fulfill the task on time. 9.Did you vote (投票表决) for or against him? 10.It is absurd (荒谬的) to go out in such terrible weather. .单项填空 1.If we cant agree, well have to vote ________ it. A.for         B.against C.on D.to 解析:选C。句意:如果我们的意见不能统一,我们就得投票表决。vote on“就……投票表决”。 2.I offered to give them a lift but they ________. A.accepted B.believed C.agreed D.declined 解析:选D。句意:我主动提出送他们一程,但是他们拒绝了。由but可知,此处表示转折,故用decline表示拒绝。 3.The passengers were robbed ________ all their money. A.of B.off C.from D.away 解析:选A。句意:所有乘客的钱都被抢光了。此处为rob sb. of sth.“抢劫某人的某物”的被动结构,所以用介词of。 4.The course is designed to ________ students for a career in nursing. A.aid B.equip C.help D.forbid 解析:选B。aid“帮助,援助”;equip“配备,装备”;help“帮助”;forbid“不许,禁止”。 5.The epidemic must be wiped out ________ or the chicken raisers will suffer a terrible loss. A.at home B.at any rate C.in the sales D.at a time 解析:选B。由句意“无论如何要把这种流行病消灭掉,否则,养鸡户将会遭受巨大的损失”看出空白处应该填入at any rate“无论如何”。at a time“每一次”;in the sales“大减价”。 6.The millionaire passed away, leaving his children with a large ________. A.fortune B.luck C.money D.amount 解析:选A。考查名词辨析。句意:那个百万富翁死了,留给他的孩子们一大笔财产。fortune“大笔财产”;luck“运气”;money“钱”,不可数名词,不用a修饰;amount“数目”。 7.Applied science is ________ discovering ways to use the knowledge of theoretical science. A.concerned about B.concerned with C.focused on D.combined with 解析:选B。考查be concerned about和be concerned with的区别。前者意为“关心,关注”,后者意为“与……有关联,牵涉到……”。根据句意“应用科学研究涉及探究理论科学知识的应用方法


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