2014届高考英语一轮复习 Unit5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero词汇与短语全方位训练 新人教版必修1.docVIP

2014届高考英语一轮复习 Unit5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero词汇与短语全方位训练 新人教版必修1.doc

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2014届高考英语一轮复习 Unit5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero词汇与短语全方位训练 新人教版必修1

2014届高考英语一轮复习全方位配套训练人教版必修一Unit 5 Nelson Mandela--a modern hero词汇与短语 1.stop sb.from doing 阻止某人做某事(=prevent/keep sb.from doing) The church bells stop me from sleeping.教堂的钟声使我不能入睡。 The stone walls stop the farmers’ cows from joining the neighbors’. 石头墙使农民家的牛不会混入邻居的牛群中去。 【短语链接】 (1)keep doing 继续或保持做(强调动作的持续性) News of successes keep pouring in.捷报频传。 (2)keep on doing 继续或反复做(强调动作的反复性) We will keep on trying and,if we get anything done,we will notify you. 我们将继续努力,有结果将通知你。 (3)keep sb.doing 使某人一直做(表示被迫进行的动作) I’ll try not to keep you waiting.我尽量不让你久等。 2.come into/to power 当权,上台 De Gaulle came to power in 1958.戴高乐是1958年上台的。 The party came into power at the last election.这个政党是在上次大选中当选执政的。 【短语链接】 come into contact联系 come into being 形成,诞生 come into effect实施 come into existence 形成 come into force实施 come into sight 看见 3.the first time 在句中引导时间状语从句 The first time I climbed onto the wall,I felt nervous.我第一次爬上墙时,感到非常紧张。 【提醒】 表示时间的短语可以引导时间状语从句,如:the instant,the minute,the day,the year,each/every time,next time,the first/second/last time,by the time等。 Every time I catch a cold,I have pain in my back.每次感冒我的背就疼。 The minute he saw her,he fell in love with her.他对她一见倾心。 The day he returned home,his father was already dead.他回家的那一天,他的父亲已经死了。 He was much better the last time I saw him.我上次见他时他好多了。 By the time he was taken to the hospital he was nearly dead.他被送到医院时已经不行了。 4.terror n.[U] 惊恐;恐惧[C] 可怕的人;恐怖的事 Her eyes were wild with terror.她的眼睛充满了恐惧。 She lives in terror of losing her job.她一直胆战心惊地害怕丢失工作。 These street gangs have become the terror of the neighborhood. 这些街头少年团伙使得周围邻里谈之色变。 【提醒】 识记下列terror的派生词汇: terrorism恐怖主义 terrorist 恐怖分子;恐怖主义者 terrorize恐吓;威胁 terrify 使恐惧;使惊吓 terrified恐惧;很害怕 terrible 非常讨厌的;令人极不快的 5.fear n.[C] [U] 害怕,恐惧;担心;顾虑vt. vi.惧怕,害怕;担忧 He was shaking with fear.他害怕得直发抖。 There is no fear of his getting any injury.他不会受伤的。 He fears nothing.他什么都不怕。 6.cruelty n.[U] 残酷;残暴 The deliberate cruelty of his words cut her like a knife. 他说的那些残


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