2014高考语文 基础复习攻略解读 写作词汇分类整理之一.docVIP

2014高考语文 基础复习攻略解读 写作词汇分类整理之一.doc

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2014高考语文 基础复习攻略解读 写作词汇分类整理之一

写作词汇分类整理之一 开放作文 一 团结合作 Serve as 起到。。。作用 值得提倡 be well worth promoting 彼此互补 complement each other 是不可或缺的部分 be an integral part of … 为…创造良好的条件 create favorable conditions for … 提高对…的认识 raise one’s awareness of … 为了---的利益in the interests of 以自我为中心 be self-centered 集体精神 the community spirit 和睦相处 live in harmony with Place a high value on重视 Interact with 与…相互作用,与…一起活动/合作/互动 At the cost of以….为代价 Have an obligation to对…..有义务 不顾大局 be regardless of the whole situation 众人拾柴火焰高 there is strength in numbers 大局为重 put the interest of the whole above everything else 二人同心其利断金 union is strength the realization of a common success requires the joint efforts of all concerned our companions ’s loving presence nurtures and encourages us to rise to challenges . 二 逆境中坚持 不知所措 be at a loss 绝望地 in despair 经历痛苦磨难 go through pains 坚持不懈地追求目标 persist in pursuing one’s goal 经历了许多起起落落 go through many ups and downs 坚持到底 keep going / hold on Stand up to经得起 Run away with轻易获得 Survive setback战胜挫折 Strive for为…而奋斗 Yield to pressure在压力下屈服 Bear the pressure承受压力 Live with承受 不经灾难不知福 misfortune tells us what fortune is 疾风知劲草 strength of character is tested in a crisis successful people owe their success to their singleness of purpose and perseverance perseverance is essential to anyone who undertakes great deeds the way to success is like a zigzag path to the mountain peak diligence, devotion and perseverance are three fundamental factors in success we have all faced moments in our lives when the pressure mounts beyond what we feel we can handle it doesn’t seem fair that life should demand more of us when we feel we have given all we can it ‘s up to us to decide whether we will open our eyes to the blessings hidden in disorder or close ourselves off from opportunities hiding behind obstacles overcome obstacles placed in the way to achieve success in whatever we set out t


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