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2 0 15 年 5 月 第 5 卷 第 10 期 ·工作探讨· 浅谈中药饮片招标方案及评分标准 王秀云? ? 谢? 瑛? ? 程丽珠 深圳市南山区蛇 口人民医院,广东深圳 518067 [摘要]?为降低 中药饮片价格 ,缓解 “看病难 、看病贵”的现状 ,规避采购过程 中的不正之风 ,遵循公开 、公平 、 公正 、质量优选 、价格合理 的原则 ,实行 中药饮片招标采购 。 制定 中药饮片招标方案 ,同时制定 出科学 、合理 、 简便易行 的评分标准 。 保证 了中药饮片的质量 ,同时又能降低 中药饮片价格 。 为促进 中药饮片招标效果 , 制订合理 的招标方案很有必要 。 [关键词]?中药饮片;招标;评分标准;流程;方案 [中图分类号]?R288? ? ? [文献标识码]?B? ? ? [文章编号]?2095-0616(2015)10-201-04 Discussion on bidding program and evaluation standard of Chinese herbal pieces WANG? Xiuyun? ? XIE? Ying? ? CHENG? Lizhu Shekou Peoples Hospital of Nanshan District, Shenzhen 518067, China [Abstract] In order to lower the price of Chinese herbal pieces, to alleviate the situation of difficulty and high cost to access medical service, and to avoid the unwholesome tendencies in the purchasing process, a bidding program of Chinese herbal pieces was carried out by abiding the principle of openness, fairness, impartiality, quality priority and reasonable price. Bidding plans of Chinese herbal pieces were formulated and scientific, reasonable, simple and practicable evaluation standards were set. The quality of Chinese herbal pieces were ensured and the price of Chinese herbal pieces were reduced. It is necessary to make a reasonable bidding scheme to improve the effect of biding program for Chinese herbal pieces. [Key words] Chinese herbal pieces; Bid; Evaluation standard; Process; Program 深圳市 2006 年开始对西药及 中成药进行 了招 [6] ;招标 的法律依据 深圳市 《中药处方与调剂规范 》 [7] 标采购 ,200


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