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·50 · 李慧连等 ,淀粉胶黏剂的必威体育精装版研究进展 Vol. 30. No. 5, 2008 淀粉胶黏剂的必威体育精装版研究进展 李慧连 ,  刘国军 ,  张桂霞 ,  胡  滨 ,  余大平 ,  陈书文 (大连工业大学 化工与材料学院 ,辽宁 大连 116034 ) 摘要 :淀粉胶黏剂作为环境友好型天然胶黏剂越来越受到研究人员的广泛关注 ,淀粉以其资源丰富、价格低廉 、使用方便 等优点并以无毒环保为亮点 ,成为最具有开发潜力的木材用天然胶黏剂之一 。综述了淀粉胶黏剂用于木材粘接的必威体育精装版动态 , 详述了它在应用中存在的局限性和研究现状 ,并对淀粉胶黏剂的发展趋势进行了展望 。同时还指出在提高淀粉胶黏剂的耐 水性 、贮存稳定性 、防潮防霉性能方面仍有很大的发展空间 ,因而广大学者致力于淀粉胶黏剂的进一步开发研究 。 关键词 :淀粉胶黏剂 ;木材粘接 ;局限性 ;发展趋势 中图分类号 : TQ 432. 2     文献标识码 : A      文章编号 : 100 1 - 00 17 (2008) 05 - 0050 - 04 The L ate st Progre ss in Study on Starch - ba sed A dhe sive s L I Hu i - lian, L IU Guo - jun , ZHAN G Gu i - xia, HU B in , YU D a - p ing and CHEN Shu - wen ( Colleg e of Chem ica l E ng ineering M a teria l, D a lian P oly techn ic Un iversity, D a lian 116034, Ch ina) Abstract: A s a class of environm ent friendly natu ral adhesives, starch adhesives have attracted con siderab le attention s ow ing to their abundant raw m aterials, low co st, non - toxicity, conven ience, and environm ental p rotection in p articu lar. Starch adhesives have becom e one of the potential natu ral adhesives for wood bonding. The latest developm ent of starch adhesives for wood bonding is summ arized, the lim itation and its cu rrent research situation are introduced, and the developm ent trend of the starch - based adhesives is b riefly reviewed. A nd there are still m any developm ent opportun ities for im p roving the water resistance, stab ility, moistu rep roof ab ility and antisep sis of starch adhesives, thu sm any scholars dedicate them selves to the further study on the starch adhesives. Key words: Starch adhesive; wood bonding; lim itation; developm ent trend 发展


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