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浅谈小学英语形成性评价 广东省佛山市南海实验小学 黄醒群 摘要:评价是教学活动的重要组成部分。本文系统的介绍了英语教学过程中实施形成性评价的形成性评价关键词:形成性评价 操作形式 形成性评价是伴随学习过程进行的,向师生提供学习状态和进程的反馈信息,从而调节教与学的。?形成性评价特别注重强化学生学习的成功之处,显示学生学习过程中需要纠正的具体的学习错误,通过改进学习过程来改善学习结果。除了评价知识、技能等方面以外,还评价兴趣、态度、策略、合作精神等品质往往在一种开放的、宽松的、友好的、非正式的环境中进行,以等级加评语的形式来表达。好的形成性评价任务甚至还会为学生所喜爱。可以说,形成性评价既是一种评价手段,也是一种学习方式。 要根据国家课程标准所规定的评价目标和不同阶段的教学内容,结合学生的实际,通过师生的通力合作,对学生的语言知识、语言技能情感态度、学习策略、文化意识等在学习过程中的发展和进步进行综合性评价。 Teaching objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able To use the vocabulary learnt about names of shoes as well as the patterns used for asking the size and price of shoes in both oral and written form confidently. To sell and buy shoes in groups, through which they will develop skills and understanding in cooperative work. Course targets Assessment contents Assessment criteria Language knowledge and communicative functions Speaking, reading and listening related to the topic Able to express what shoes they want to buy. Able to ask the size and prize of the shoes they choose. Language skills Vocabulary and patterns about names of shoes Able to say and write the words. Able to recognize words and patterns when hearing or reading them. Cultural awareness Aware of different sizes of clothes and shoes in western countries. Able to choose the right size of shoes. Learning to learn Learns and communicates with others Listens to others attentively. Is active to share ideas with others. Self corrects where appropriate. Positive attitude to learning Confidence, participation, cooperation Is confident in speaking and writing. Able to participate in group work actively and cooperatively. 小学英语形成性评价的方法和手段 传统的终结性评价一般多采用标准测验题,或教师自编的客观测验题对学生的学习成绩作鉴定,它注重的是结果。而形成性评价不仅注重结果,更着重学生的学习过程,教师根据学生的年龄特征和学习风格的差异,建立开放宽松的评价氛围,以测试和非测试的方式以及个人与小组结合的方式进行评价,鼓励学生、同伴、教师和家长共同参与评价,实现评价主体的多元化。小学英语形成性评价的形式多样灵活,如课堂学习活动评比、学习效果自评、学习档案、问卷调查、访谈、家长对学生学习情况的反馈与评价、平时测验等。 Non-verbal Responses (非语言反应) Situation description: Children have just learnt some body parts,eg. head, mout


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