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浅谈荆门市乡镇财务管理工作存在的问题及对策 摘 要 近年来,我国农村财税体制改革不断深入,人们对乡镇财务管理问题愈来愈重视,相关部门也陆续出台了一系列加强乡镇财务管理方面的措施。但据调查了解,目前荆门市的乡镇财务管理状况不容乐观,存在着不少亟待解决的问题。本文介绍了荆门市乡镇财务管理工作中存在的一些问题,如财务管理制度不健全,会计基础工作不够完善, 乡镇财务管理薄弱,乡镇各级财务管理人员的整体素质有待进一步提高;分析了这些存在问题的原因,主要是乡镇在财务管理上仍然存在有法不依,有令不行,有章不循等现象,乡镇财政基础管理工作没有跟上改革的步伐,管理混乱现象较为严重,法制观念淡薄,监管力度不足,领导重视不够;并有针对性地提出了一些对策和建议,比如加强监督,规范财务收支管理,落实管理机制,完善队伍建设,提高财会人员素质。 本文由三部分构成:第一部分主要介绍了荆门市乡镇财务管理工作存在的问题;第二部分反映荆门市乡镇财务管理存在问题的原因分析;第三部分加强荆门市乡镇财务管理工作的建议。笔者基于对荆门市乡镇财务管理现状的关注,通过深入研究分析,提出了个人的一些浅见。 关键词:乡镇, 财政 , 财务管理 Abstract In recent years, the deepening of rural tax reform, financial management of township people more and more attention to the relevant departments to strengthen township has established a series of financial management measures. However, according to investigation, the current township Jingmen financial management situation is not optimistic, there are many problems to be solved. This article describes the work of the financial management of township Jingmen some existing problems, such as financial management system is not perfect, the accounting basis not work perfect, weak financial management of township, township Ge Ji the overall quality of financial management staff to be further Tigao; analysis up these existential cause of the problem, mainly in the financial management of township there are still abiding by the law, there are orders and follow established rules and other phenomena, the basic management of rural finance has not kept up the pace of reform, management of confusion is more serious, a sense of law inadequate supervision, inadequate attention to the leadership; and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions, such as strengthening supervision, and regulate the financial revenue and expenditure management, and implementation of management mechanisms, improve team building and raising the quality of accountants. This article consists of three parts: The first part introduces the rural financial management Jingmen problems; th


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