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投稿方向:个人权衡 充分认识自己: 很多概念模棱两可,上手就用英文写全文,表达不清; 硕士期间发表过中文EI期刊文章,知道其基本流程; 很多笔记都是使用中文记录的,好整理; 万一英文SCI写不出来,速度转中文EI,可以保证先毕业; 。。。。。。。 个人权衡结果: 1. 先写中文全文,整理思路,确定理论来源与具体算法公式。 2. 选择投稿期刊后确定英文文章的结构与内容。 3. 翻译中文文章,英文文章成型。 4. 英文文章修改后投稿。 5. 如果英文文章不中,考虑投稿国内中文期刊。 中文文章1 中文文章2 投稿期刊选择 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS (GRSL). 个人选择理由: 1. 短文,写的少,错的少,难度低一点; 2. 做的内容不足以写一篇长文; 3. GRSL审稿周期5-8周; 4. 一般而言,GRSL投稿顺利情况下从投稿到见刊不到一年; 5. RGB-BP只是一个点子,要尽早定名分; 6. RGB-BP后续研究可以多做些实验写长文。 英文文章撰写 从中文文章直接翻译; 与Steve一起面对面逐句修改; 与导师一起面对面逐句修改。 从中文文章直接翻译 与Steve逐句修改 面对面,逐字逐句,前后十几遍。 论文写作建议:少用长难句,多用短句。 与导师逐字逐句修改 逐字逐句修改,图例修改,表达修改。。。。。。 前前后后来回十几遍,直至我们自己认为没有什么漏洞。 2011年8月5号投稿 编辑回复 Your manuscript GRSL-00467-2011 Dense Corresponding Pixel Matching between Aerial Epipolar Images Using a RGB-Belief Propagation Algorithm has been reviewed by the GRSL Editorial Review Board and found to be not acceptable without major revisions. (October 12, 2011) 审稿人1 Reviewer: 1 Comments to the Author The authors make use of RGB color components based on BP. However, the paper is not suitable for GRSL for it does not make a significant contribution . 审稿人2 Reviewer: 2 Comments to the Author The detailed comments are listed as follows: 1)The proposed approach is heavily dependent on belief propagation algorithm, however, it is not very clear whats the difference between the belief propagation algorithm used in this paper and the traditional belief propagation algorithm(especially P. F. Felzenszwalbs algorithm)? Please clarify this point from theory and experiment aspects. 2) One of the novelties of the proposed approach is to make full use of RGB color components, to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed approach, please compare it with the approach that is based on image gray instead of RGB color components.. 审稿人2 3) As stated by the authors, obvious color differen


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