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翻译硕士考研 基础班 Chapter Four 句群翻译(针对汉译英) 句群也称句组,是几个在意义上和结构上有密切联系的各自独立的句子组成的语言单位。构成句群的可以是单句,也可以是复句,每个句子以句号、叹号或问号等标点为标志;构成句群的几个句子之间有一定的逻辑关系,他们不是任意摆放的,而是靠一定的语法手段(或靠语序,或靠关联词语)组合起来的;一个句群有一个中心语义,句群中的句子从不同角度表达中心语义。 Chapter Four 日常生活 1.旅游无疑是人一生中的一个最振奋人心的经历之一。旅游可以从新的一角度唤起灵魂,激发情感和增添生活色彩。它对某种人来说也许是一种消遣,但事实上,任何人和每个人都可以并应当去旅行。 译文:Traveling is unarguably one of the most gratifying experiences a person can have in their lifetime. Traveling awakens the soul, stirs the senses and paints the world in a new light. It may seem like a pastime for only a certain kind of person, but in all actuality, anyone and everyone can and should travel. Chapter Four 2.电视对国人的娱乐习惯有很大影响,它造成了影剧院上座率的锐减。许多电影院和剧院不得不关门。确实,许多其他户外娱乐业也无不受电视的冲击,因为人们大多觉得在自己舒适的家里可以得到娱乐,何必再出去呢? Chapter Four 译文:Television is having vast effects on entertainment habits. It has caused a serious decline in the cinema, and many cinemas and theatres have had to close down. Indeed, many other sources of entertainment outside the home have been affected by television, for why go out, many people feel, when you can be entertained at your own comfortable home. Chapter Four 3.产业专家们指出了阻碍女性升职的几个绊脚石。其中包括有些男士在招聘过程中仍然对女性持有旧框框和先入之见。此外,女性在办公室以外的非正式交往场合常受到排挤,失去了建立人际关系的机会。 Chapter Four 译文:Industry experts have pinpointed several stumbling blocks to women’s promotion. Among these blocks are the stereotypes and preconceived notions of women that some men in managerial positions still bring to the recruiting process. In addition, because women are often excluded from the informal network outside the office, they miss out on the opportunity to build relationships. Chapter Four 4.今年9月,我就60岁了,如果按照华族对年龄的传统算法,我已经61岁了。一个人,在60年的岁月里,犯错的机会可多呢!我犯的错误自然不少。我犯的最大的错误就是在求学时期忽略了华人,而且还瞒欺我母亲说我必须选择拉丁文作为第二语文。 Chapter Four 译文:I will be 60 years old in September. By traditional Chinese reckoning, I am already 61. Six decades provide a lot of time for mistakes, and I have made many. The biggest mistake of all was neglecting Chinese in school and bluffing my mother


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