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/shaderforge/Shader ForgeMainThis is the node in which all your other nodes in the end link to. It has several inputs that all serve different purposes.The animated images below show all of the inputs and how they behave when changed over time. Most of them animate back and forth between 0 and 1 (Black and White)你所有其它节点最终都链接到此节点。它有若干输入服务于不同的目的。下面的动画图片展示了所有输入和他们的行为当随着时间而如何变化。他们中的大多数动画在0和1之间来回(黑色和白色)DiffuseThis is the main color of your shaders. The diffuse color will receive light, have light falloff depending on the light-normal angle, and be shaded by shadows.这是你shader的主要颜色。漫反射颜色将接收光照,根据light-normal角(光法线角度)有光的衰减,被阴影着色。Diffuse Power漫反射指数This is the exponent of the falloff of the light-normal angle. Can be used to get an extra metallic look when using values above 1. Note that this does not currently conserve energy, whenever that is enabled这是光照法线角度的衰减的组件。可用来获取当使用Value值大于1时额外的金属光泽外表.注意,无论何时启用此节点都不保存当前的能量。Specular镜面反射/高光This is the color of the specular highlights of your shader. Higher values are brighter, black will not affect the shader at all.这是你shader的高光亮点的颜色。值越大就越亮,黑色将丝毫不影响shader。Gloss光泽度/光泽This is the exponent of the specular highlights. Higher values will make it look shiny, values approaching 0 will make it look matte. Note that if you have unchecked gloss remapping, you should avoid using gloss values below 1.这是高光亮点的组件。更高的值将使它看起来闪闪发亮,值接近0将使得它看起来无光泽/不光滑。记住,如果你未选中光泽度重映射,你应该避免使用小于1的光泽度值。Normal法线This is the tangent-space normal direction, where you can connect normal maps or custom normal vectors.这是切线的法线方向,这里你可以连接法线贴图或者自定义法线向量。Emission散射,散发,放射,自发光This is simply light that is always added to your shader, regardless of the lighting conditions. 这是总是添加到你的shader中的简单光线,忽略光照状况。Transmission传递。This controls how much light is passed through when the light source is behind the surface currently being rendered. This can be useful for thin materials such as cloth or vegetation.这个控制当光源在正被渲染的当前表面的后面时让多少光线通过。这在瘦薄材质例如衣服或植被上很有用。Light Wrapping光照包裹This is a way of controlling the l



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