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常州芙蓉镇船菜经营的思考 摘要:清代名著《扬州画舫录》清晰地描绘了古代扬州地区船宴的繁盛景象,然而古代自发的船宴经过几个世纪的演变,已经变成了现在富有特色的商业船菜馆,尤其是在太湖、南湖地区形成了庞大的规模,独特的风格,难忘的佳肴。与此同时,芙蓉镇船菜馆与太湖、南湖等著名船菜馆的强烈反差,引发了笔者对其菜馆的思考。通过对各个菜馆周边竞争环境、经营现状的研究,发现家乡的船菜馆虽经营前景良好,竞争相对激烈,但在这种竞争机制下,芙蓉镇的船菜经营却呈现出家庭式特点,该特点表现在菜价适中、菜名朴实、质量一般、规模偏小四个方面。就此笔者展开调查,发现家乡的船菜馆的发展受到各种主客观因素的正反影响,比如经营者的思想、目的和当地资源状况等。 关键词:船菜历史;经营现状;船菜特点;形成原因 My Pondering Over The Way Of Running A Boat Restaurant In Fu Rong Town Of Chang Zhou Abstract: A book called Yang Zhou Hua Fang Lu which was written at Qing Dynasty has described a wonderful sight of boat banquets in Yang Zhou, but Ancient boat banquets now have become the boat restaurants full of characters after centuries of evolution, especially in Tai Lake and South Lake where there are many boat restaurants with a large scale and unique appearance and also unforgettable dishes. In the meantime, the boat restaurants in my hometown constitute a sharp contrast to them, which make me introspect. During the research of its competion and current situation, I found it has a relatively bright future but fierce competiton. However, it’s still like a family which you can feel form the prices of its goods, the names of them, the quality of dishes, and the scale of the boat under such an fierce competiton. So I try to find out the causes and finally realize that the limitation of the ideas and purposes of owners and the local background have been restricting the development of these restaurants. Keywords: boat Restaurant; History; Current Situations; Features; Causes 目录 一、船菜的历史和中国著名船菜案例 1 (一)太湖船菜 1 (二)南湖船菜 2 二、芙蓉镇船菜的现状 2 (一)经营时间较短,但市场活跃 2 (二)市场竞争较为激烈 2 1.分布较为集中,竞争加大 3 2.种类多样,竞争因素较多 3 (三)客流量 4 三、芙蓉镇船菜呈现家庭式特点 4 (一)菜名选取家常名称,朴实自然 5 (二)价格低廉,易于长期消费 6 (三)菜式简单,易于操作 7 (四)规模较小,容纳力有限 7 四、芙蓉镇船菜发展的影响因素 8 (一)经营讲究务实为上,切合实际 8 (二)创业目标简单,业主安于现状 9 (三)资源相对较少,发展挑战大 9 (四)顾客需求以经济实惠为主 10 五、芙蓉镇船菜发展的建议 10 (一)进一步提升菜肴质量,但不要脱离顾客偏好 10 (二)巧用“换汤不换药” 10 (三)利用当地美食原料资源,开展相关活动 11 致谢: 11 参考文献 12 在2000以前,常州芙蓉镇也同样以“鱼米之乡”自居,物质丰饶。当地盛产珍珠与菱角,几乎家家户户都会有船只,这也许为当地日后的船菜发展打下


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