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课程大纲样本 作者:张霭珠 Gender/Sexuality Theories and Visual Arts Icy I-Chu Chang(张霭珠) Classroom:人社二馆R203 Course Hours: 1:30-4:30 pm Tuesday Extension: 52723 Email: ivychang@ Week 1:9/13: Introduction John Berger, “Reproduction,” “Nude or Naked?” in Ways of Seeing Week 2:9/20: Visual Pleasure and Male Gaze Readings: Laura Mulvey, “Visual and Other Pleasures,” in Visual and Other Pleasures Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan, 1989. 刘黄毓秀,第五章“精神分析女性主义”,《女性主义理论与流派》,159-200,女书文化,1996。 Film: Vertigo Week 3:9/27: Psychoanalysis, Gender, and Sexuality Readings: Elizabeth Grosz, “Sexuality and the Symbolic Order” in Jacques Lacan: A Feminist Introduction London; New York: Routledge, 1990. 刘黄毓秀,“走出‘唯一’,流向非一:从佛洛伊德到依蕊格来”,《中外文学》第24卷第11期,1997年4月。 Frank Ochieng, “The Hours”, http://www.geocities.con/Hollywood/Cinema/4069/reviews/guest/thehours.html Reviews of The Hours. Film: The Hours Week 4:10/4: Jouissance and the Maternal Semiotics Readings: Elizabeth Grosz, “Lacan and Feminism”, p.147-169. 蔡秀枝,“克丽丝特娃对母子关系中‘阴性’空间的看法”,《中外文学》第21卷第9期,1993年2月。 萧嫣嫣,“论法国女性主义的文化空间”,《中外文学》第21卷第9期,1993年8月。 刘黄毓秀,“肉身中的女性再现:钢琴师和她的情人”,《中外文学》第23卷第6期,1994年6月。 第五章“后现代女性主义——克瑞丝缇娃:符号界与母性空间”,《女性主义理论与流派》,299-302;325-35。 Film: The Piano Week 5:10/11: Chora and Abjection Julia Kristeva, The Powers of Horror, 1-17,57-75 Documentary: Dear Tari, Vagina Monologue Solo Performance: Eve Ensler, Vagina Monologue Week 6:10/18: Feminist Writing and Polyphonic Mimicry Readings: Elizabeth Grosz, “Lacan and Feminism”, p.169-187. 朱崇仪,“伊希迦黑与她的新文体:另一种(理论)书写/实践”,《中外文学》第24卷第11期,1997年4月。 第五章“后现代女性主义——伊希加赫非一的女性言说”,《女性主义理论与流派》,312-325。 Luce Irigaray, “The Power of Discourse and Subordination of the Feminine, This Sex Which as Not Noe”, 68-87, Cornell Up, 1985. Degli-Esposti, Christina, “Sally Potter’s Orlando and the Neo-Baroque Scopic Regime”, Cinema Journal 36.1(Fall 1996):75-93, U of Texas Press. Film: Orlando Week 7:10/25: Eroticism, Excess, and Obscene Body Readings: Cixous, Helene, “The Laugh of Medusa,” 1976. Carr


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