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ROS turtlebot_follower :让机器人跟随我们移动 ROS turtlebot_follower 学习 首先在catkin_ws/src目录下载源码 了解代码见注释(其中有些地方我也不是很明白) follower.cpp #include ros/ros.h #include pluginlib/class_list_macros.h #include nodelet/nodelet.h #include geometry_msgs/Twist.h #include sensor_msgs/Image.h #include visualization_msgs/Marker.h #include turtlebot_msgs/SetFollowState.h #include dynamic_reconfigure/server.h #include turtlebot_follower/FollowerConfig.h #include depth_image_proc/depth_traits.h namespace turtlebot_follower { //* The turtlebot follower nodelet. /** * The turtlebot follower nodelet. Subscribes to point clouds * from the 3dsensor, processes them, and publishes command vel * messages. */ class TurtlebotFollower : public nodelet::Nodelet { public: /*! * @brief The constructor for the follower. * Constructor for the follower. */ TurtlebotFollower() : min_y_(0.1), max_y_(0.5), min_x_(-0.2), max_x_(0.2), max_z_(0.8), goal_z_(0.6), z_scale_(1.0), x_scale_(5.0) { } ~TurtlebotFollower() { delete config_srv_; } private: double min_y_; /** The minimum y position of the points in the box. */ double max_y_; /** The maximum y position of the points in the box. */ double min_x_; /** The minimum x position of the points in the box. */ double max_x_; /** The maximum x position of the points in the box. */ double max_z_; /** The maximum z position of the points in the box. 框中 点的最大z位置,以上四个字段用来设置框的大小*/ double goal_z_; /** The distance away from the robot to hold the centroid 离机器人的距离,以保持质心*/ double z_scale_; /** The scaling factor for translational robot speed 移动机器人速度的缩放系数*/ double x_scale_; /** The scaling factor for rotational robot speed 旋转机器人速度的缩放系数*/ bool enabled_; /** Enable/disable following; just prevents motor commands 启用/禁用追踪; 只是阻止电机命令,置为false后,机器人不会移动,/mobile_base/mobile_base_controller/cmd_vel topic 为空*/ // Service for start/stop following ros::Se


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