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武俊达 董大伟闫兵 王媛文(西南交通大学 机械工程学院 成都 610031)
液压模块挂车刚柔耦合中图分类号: U467.4+97 文献标识码: A
Dynamic Response Analysis and Bogie Frame Fatigue Life Prediction of Hydraulic Modular Trailers
WU Jun-da DONG Da-wei YAN Bing WANG Yuan-wen SUN Yu-hua
(School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031)
Abstract: In order to study the dynamic response properties and bogie frame fatigue strength of the hydraulic modular trailers, rigid-flexible coupling multi-body dynamic model of trailer was built with the effect of elastic dynamic characteristics of bogie frame and hydraulic suspension system are considered. The dynamic response properties of trailer were studied with the effects of the road grade and trailer speed are considered. The load time histories, which is necessary for fatigue analysis of bogie frame, can be obtained from the results of multi-body dynamic simulation. The fatigue life of risk points of bogie frame were predicted based on the hot spot stress method for welding structural fatigue analysis. With D grade of road and 5.55m/s speed of trailer’s operating condition, the least fatigue life of risk points is corresponded to trailer using 18.71 years and greater than the trailers service life, fatigue strength requirement of bogie frame is met.
Keywords:Hydraulic modular trailers;Rigid-flexible coupling;Dynamic response;Fatigue life
1 引言
重型液压模块挂车(Hydraulic Modular Assembled Trailers-简称HMAT)设计与应用过程中不仅要考虑提高运行速度、加大承受载荷能力以及降低运输成本,而且还需要改善运行安全平顺性钢板车架是部件由于车架的重量与尺寸大,再加上轻薄量化的趋势刚柔耦合现象缺陷避免焊后残余应力有着很大的影响进行疲劳必须把重点放在焊缝以往的动力学方面的研究文献较少,挂车的多体动力学模型把各部件看为刚体而不考虑弹性特征对动态响应的影响结构强度主要侧重于静强度分析忽略动载荷[2]。液压悬挂系统通过液压缸连通方式使车轴承受载荷相等采用平衡杆系统来模拟[],但是平衡杆系不能全面地反映液压系统的工作状态。建立刚柔耦合多体动力学模型车速的进行仿真计算挂车动态响应。获得车架结构应力结构热点应力对车架危险部位进行疲劳寿命。
图 多油缸联通系统模型的意思图
Fig.1 Model of multi-hydraulic cylinder connection