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如何对划线部分进行提问 一变:先将句子变为一般疑问句; 二找:审句意,找出特殊疑问词; 三换:用特殊疑问词代替划线部分; 四移:把特殊疑问词移到句首。 做道题试试吧! We have a few fun things in spring. 一变:先将原句子变为一般问句 二找:提问什么事情或事物用what 三换:用 what 代替划线部分 四移:将特殊疑问词what 放在句首 Do you have a few fun things in spring? Doyou have what in spring? What do you have in spring? 再来一道简单的! She is my sister. 一变:先将原句子变为一般问句 二找:提问人用疑问词who 三换:用who 代替划线部分 She is who. 四移:把who移到句子开头 (大写 Is she your sister? Is she who? Who is she? 再来一道难点的! 一变:将原句子变为一般疑问句 二找:问颜色用what color 三换:用what color代替划线部分 The jacket is red. 四移:把what color移到句子开头(注意大写) Is the jacket red? Is the jacket what color? What color is the jacket? 再来一道更难的! The books are under the bed. 一变:将原句变为一般疑问句 二找:问地点用where 三换:用where 代替划线部分 四移:把where 移到句子开头(注意大写) Are the books under the bed ? Are the books where? Where’re the books? 再来一道更难的! The boy is 10 years old. 一变:将原句变为一般疑问句 二找:对年龄提问用how old 三换:用how old 代替划线部分 四移:把how old移到句子开头,大写 Is the boy 10 years old? Is the boy how old? How old is the boy? 再来一道更难的! They often go shopping on the weekend. 一变:将原句子变为一般疑问句 二找:提问做什么事情用What… do 三换:用what do 代替划线部分 四移:把what移到句子开头, do 不动。 Do they often go shopping on the weekend? Do they often what do on the weekend? What do they often do on the weekend? Exercise Now, you try! 1 .That is a bike. 2. Tree Plant Day is in March. 3. He is Robin. 4. We eat lunch at home. 5. The bike is black. ?6. We finish class at 1 o`clock. What is that? When is Tree Planting Day? Who is he? What’s his name? Where do you eat lunch? What color is the bike? When do you finish class ? What’s that? 7. The book is in the bag. 8. He gets up at 6 o`clock. 9. I will visit my grandparents next weekend. 10. He will go on a pick at the park. 11. I like fall because I can pick apples. ?12. Miss Yang is 25 years old. When does he get up? What will you do next weekend? Where will he go on a pinic? Why do you like fall? How old is Miss Yang? Where’s the book? 完成小组合作任务表 要求:每个小组每个成员必须出一道题,并解答一道题。出题与解题都会根据题目质量给个人打分。最后按小组总分取前三名进行奖励。 * * *


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