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摘 要 本文给出瑕积分收敛性的判断方法主要有定义法、比较法和柯西判别法、狄利克雷判别法和阿贝尔判别法被积函数的原函数已知或易求的用定义法满足狄利克雷判别法条件的函数用阿贝尔判别法含有正弦、余弦等有界绝对收敛可考虑用比较法来判断 朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 ? 字典 可翻译 50 多种语言 χρησμ?? ??? Hjelp! ?? ???? ??????? ???. Je parle un petit peu fran?ais. Wie hei?en Sie? haydi gidelim ?????? ??????? Wie gehts? ???? ????? παραλ?α s? t? hello ?Cómo estás? Je ne sais pas ! escargots La voiture V?r s? snill hoje está ensolarado ?? Es ist sehr interessant! さようなら Buongiorno Principessa! rouge Простите Ich bin vierzig Jahre alt ?? ???! nazdar! mijn vriend Pardon ?? Wie bitte? ??? ??? ????? děti miracoloso Abstract In this paper, we give the flaw integral convergence judgment method, and apply to solving of flaw integral. Judging method of flaw integral convergence are mainly definition method, comparative method and cauchy-criterion principle. Definition method can be used when integrand is easly obtained. Dirichlet test and Abels test are carried out when some conditions are satisfied. Comparative method can be used when sine or cosine function and so on, bounded function is included. By means of the relation between the two abnormality integral containing parameters, the judgment theorem of consistent astringency of flaw integral containing parameters is deduced from the judgment theorem of consistent astringency infinite integral containing parameters. Some typical examples are given to illuminate the application of the obtained judgment and theorem. This paper presents some conditions under which defect integral can be computed as common intergral.We prove that defect integral canbe computed as common intergral if the original function of the integrand is continuous of bounded on the integeral interval. Key words: Flaw integral; Convergence; Flaw integral containing parameters; Infinite integral containing parameters; Consistent astringency 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 1 引 言 1 2 瑕积分敛散性的判别方法和应用 2 2.1 瑕积分的定义 2 2.2 瑕积分的性质 3 2.3 瑕积分的收敛判别法 4 2.4 瑕积分收敛判别法的应用举例


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