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摘要 轻苯作为中间体产品,本身用途极为有限,仅作为溶剂使用,但是精制后的焦化苯、焦化甲苯、焦化二甲苯等产品,是有机化工、医药和农药等的重要原料,在国内、国际上都有很好的市场。本设计总结了国内外的苯精制工艺,列出了各工艺的优缺点,选择的溶剂萃取低温加氢工艺的加氢温度、压力较低,产品质量好,已被广泛用于石油重整油、高温裂解汽油、焦化粗苯为原料的加氢生产中。设计中对主要设备纯苯塔做了详细计算,对其他以及辅助设备进行了选型,同时绘制了平立面布置图、纯苯塔设备图、工艺流程图等附图,最后进行了简略的经济计算。 本设计的产品有纯苯、甲苯、二甲苯、非芳烃,其中最主要的产品是纯苯、甲苯和二甲苯。 关键词 轻苯 加氢 精馏 苯 Abstract Light benzene as the intermediate products, their use is extremely limited, only used as the solvent, but the product after refining coking benzene, coking benzene, coking xylene, is an important raw material in organic chemical industry, medicine and pesticide, in the domestic, international have a very good market. The design summary of benzene refining process at home and abroad, lists the advantages and disadvantages of each process, hydrogenation temperature, pressure of solvent extraction of low-temperature hydrogenation process selection is low, good product quality, has been widely used for the hydrogenation of reformate oil production, pyrolysis gasoline, coking benzene as raw materials in. The design of the main equipment of pure benzene tower is calculated in detail. On the other, and the auxiliary equipment selection, and draw the layout and facade, pure benzene tower equipment, process flow diagram, figure, finally calculated simple economy. The design of the products are benzene, toluene, xylene, non aromatic hydrocarbons, the main products are benzene, toluene and xylene. Key words benzene hydrogenation distillation 目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1设计的目的和意义 1 1.1.1毕业设计的目的和意义 1 1.1.2本设计的目的和意义 1 1.2产品的组成和成分及物性参数 1 1.3产品的质量指标 价格 供需关系 3 1.4设计地点,气候参数 5 第2章 工艺论证 6 2.1国内外工艺流线论证 6 2.1.1粗苯加氢精制原理 6 2.1.2粗苯加氢精制工艺 6 2.1.3粗苯加氢精制工艺特点 10 2.2主要设备论证 类型的确定 12 2.2.1填料萃取塔 12 2.2.2筛板萃取塔 12 2.2.3脉冲筛板萃取塔 13 2.2.4往复筛板萃取塔 13 2.2.5转盘萃取塔及偏心转盘萃取塔 14 2.3萃取剂选择的依据 14 2.4结论 15 第3章 工艺详述 16 3.1本设计选择的工艺 16 3.1.1工艺原理 16 3.1.2工艺流程 16 3.2工艺参数列表 17 第4章 工艺计算 19 4.1总物料衡算 19 4.2纯苯塔的设计计算 20 4.2.1计算数据 20 4.2.2塔的物料衡算 23 4.2.3气液负荷计算 28 4.2.4精馏塔塔体尺寸计算 3


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