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摘 要 在光纤中所探测到的含有温度信息的拉曼后向散射光十分微弱,甚至完全淹没在噪声中,所以分布式光纤温度传感器信号处理的研究是比较重要的,这样才能对拉曼光谱进行详细的分析,才能更好的应用。 光纤中的散射光主要包括瑞利散射,布里渊散射和拉曼散射。在本论文中概述了散射原理并对拉曼散射的基本原理做了详细的叙述。在光纤的传输过程中,损耗是一个主要问题,文中重点研究了光纤传输损耗,并用matlab对传输过程中的损耗进行了仿真模拟分析。本文在温度对光谱产生的作用方面也做了阐述,分析了拉曼分布式光纤温度传感器性能指标。通过以上的了解提出拉曼分布式温度传感器温度信号的三种解调方法,并比较三种解调方法的优缺点。利用对拉曼光谱特性的模拟,并通过对仿真图的数据分析指出拉曼散射与外界个因素之间的关系。 关键词: 分布式光纤 拉曼光谱 温度效应 解调方法 Title MATLAB-based Fiber Optic Sensor Signal propagatio characteristics of the assassination of Raman Simulation study Abstract In the fiber containing the temperature information detected by the Raman backscattering of light is very weak or even completely submerged in the noise, so the distributed optical fiber temperature sensor signal processing research is more important, so as to details of the Raman spectra Analysis, in order to better applications. The scattered light fiber includes Rayleigh scattering, Brillouin scattering and Raman scattering. In this paper the scattering theory outlined the basic principles of Raman scattering and a detailed description. In optical fiber transmission process, the loss is a major problem, the paper focuses on the transmission loss and transmission using matlab on the process of loss and the mutation occurred in a simulation analysis. In this paper, the effect of temperature on the spectrum have also done a paper analyzes the distributed optical fiber Raman temperature sensor performance. Through the above understanding of the proposed Raman distributed temperature sensor temperature signal of the three demodulation method, and compare the advantages and disadvantages of the three demodulation. Use of Raman spectral characteristics of the simulation, and through the simulation analysis of the data graph that Raman scattering and the relationship between external factors. 朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 Keywords Distributed optical fiber Raman spectroscopy Temperature effect Demodulation 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 1


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