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第十届全球华人计算机教育应用会议 GCCCE2006 论文集 運用電腦輔助註記收善閱讀理解過程中之大意摘要能力運用電腦輔助註記收善閱讀理解過程中之大意摘要能力 運用電腦輔助註記收善閱讀理解過程中之大意摘要能力運用電腦輔助註記收善閱讀理解過程中之大意摘要能力 Use computer-assisted annotation to improve summarization ability in Reading comprehension 張智凱 陳國棟 程仲凱 臺南大學數位學習科技學系 臺南 70005 電子郵件 摘要摘要 本研究實作一套電腦輔助註記系統 藉由強化學生之大意摘要能力 摘要摘要 以提昇學生閱讀理解程度 本系統實驗對象為小學六年級學童 實驗組兩班共64 位 對照組兩班共63位 運用在國語科大意教學中 七週後的實驗結果顯示 實驗組學生藉由使用系統排除閱讀疑難 有效提昇閱讀理解程度 此外另一實 驗結果顯示 此系統可有效提昇學生的主題句辨識能力 因此在寫出大意方面 亦有較佳的成績 在老師不要求大意字數的情況下 使用系統能讓大意字數顯 著變少 實驗後的問卷結果顯示多數的學生認為此系統能提昇重 掌握能力並 幫助寫出大意 最重要的是大部分學生喜歡使用此系統學習大意摘要能力 關鍵詞關鍵詞 電腦輔助註記 大意摘要 主題句辨識 閱讀理解 關鍵詞關鍵詞 Abstract: This study developed a computer-assisted annotation system to improve learners reading comprehension through supporting their summarization abilities. The subjects come from the sixth grade in an elementary school. There are sixty four students in the experimental group and sixth three students in the control group. The developed system was integrated with the instruction of summarization in a Chinese reading course. The experimental results show that the average score of the experimental group is higher than the average score of the control group. Furthermore, we use three expositions as pre and post test to investigate whether the system could improve learners ability of topic sentence reorganization or not. The results reveal that learners ability of topic sentence reorganization is much improved. Hence, the number of words in a summary of an article is signally reduced to get better grade. A questionnaire shows that eighty percentages of learners agree or strongly agree that the system can improve ability of topic sentence reorganization and support writing out a summary. Most of important of all, most learners like to use the system in a Chinese reading course. Keywords: Computer-assisted ann


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