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词根词缀第十六节 anniversary n. 周年纪念日 anniversary=nian(年)+vers(turn)+ary(表示集合名词) ann=年 annual adj. 年度的 annual report/ income/production年度报告/收入/产量 vers=turn anniversary=ann(年)+i+vers(turn)+ary(表示集合名词) n. 周年纪念日 dictionary 字典vocabulary 词汇 -ary也可以表示人 secretary=secret + ary contemporary=con(together)+tempor(time)+ary(人) n.同时代的人 adj. 当代的,同时代的 contemporary writer 当代作家/ adverse=ad(to)+vers(turn)+e (突然间旋转,大好的形式转变了) adj.不利的,有害的 adverse circumstances 逆境 the adverse effects of the drug 药物的有害作用 universe=uni(唯一)+vers(turn)+e n. 宇宙 unique adj.独一无二的 uniform=uni+form(形式) n.制服 unite v.统一 universal adj.全体的 共同的 universal agreement 全体同意 universal rejoicing 普天同乐 version n. 译文,版本 English version 说法(一种表述的版本) It’s your version of what happened. Verse n. 诗 prose=p(铺)+rose(玫瑰) n. 散文 Reverse=re(against)+vers(turn)+e v.颠倒,翻转(turn sth. inside out or turn sth.over to show the back ) reverse the collar Reverse the sheet of the paper 回忆: Resist=re(against)+sist(stand) v.抵制,抵抗 versatile=vers(turn)+atile adj.多才多艺的 a versatile cook a versatile truck一部多用途的卡车 ile 形容词后缀 mobile adj可移动的 fertile adj. 肥沃的fertile land hostile=host(男主人)+ile adj.有敌意的 be hostile to the reform diverse=di(away)+vers(turn)+e adj.各种各样的 diverse culture background diversity n.多样性 conversely=con(fully)+vers(turn)+ely adv. 副词 相反得 Some people think this report would destroy the reputation; conversely, it will give us a lot of free publication. Versus prep. 与……相对 VS. The match tonight is China versus Japan. 总结 anniversary adverse universe version verse reverse versatile diverse conversely versus Vert=turn Avert=a(=ab,off)+vert v. 1.避免(事故) Invert v. (put sth. upside down or in the opposite direction) 使倒置,使反向 Turn the bottle 与 invert the bottle/invert the order Convert=con(fully)+vert(turn) v.转化 coal can be converted into gas. (同义词) transform=trans(across)+form(形式) .改变 Transformer 词根词缀第十七节 pronounce=pro(forward)+nounce(speak) v. 发音 pronunciation n. 发音 renounce=re(back)+nounce(s


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