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数据库课程设计 网上书店数据库管理系统 计算机科学与工程学院 2015年6月 数据库课程设计 网上书店数据库管理系统 小组成员:刘默元、王哲 刘星星、王洪美 指导教师:张沛露 专 业: 软件121 所在单位:计算机科学与工程学院 摘要 数据库是数据管理的必威体育精装版技术,是计算机科学的重要分支。随着计算机科学与技术的迅速发展,计算机应用领域也在不断扩大。今天,信息资源已成为各个部门的重要财富和资源,几乎各行各业都有关于计算机的使用,建立一个满足各级部门信息护理要求的行之有效的信息系统也成为一个企业或组织生存和发展的重要条件。因此,作为信息系统核心和基础的数据库管理系统得到越来越广泛的应用,由于数据库技术的使用,使得人们在于管理、应用及服务等各个领域使用数据方面变得更加简洁,更加方便,大大提高了工作效率,产生了以数据库为主体,以人为辅助的局面。在企业管理,办公自动化等方面得到了普遍应用,受到人们的广泛欢迎,越来越多新的应用领域采用数据库技术来存储和处理信息资源。 在此,我们小组设计的网上书店数据库系统就是为了方便管理人员在数据方面的管理,结合当今网上书店的实际情况,为了全面、准确、有效地对网上书店业务的各种信息进行管理而开发与研制的一个数据库系统应用软件。基本功能包括用户注册、图书查询、等。 ABSTRACT The database is the latest technology of data management , is an important branch of computer science,With the rapid development of computer science and technology, computer application field is also growing , Today, information resource has become the important wealth and resources of various departments, almost all walks of life is about the use of computers, satisfy the requirement of nursing department information at all levels to establish a effective information system has become an important condition of the existence and development of the enterprise or organization.Therefore, as the core and foundation of information system database management system is more and more widely used, due to the use of database technology, make people lies in the application and service management, and other fields use data become more concise, more convenient, greatly improving the work efficiency, produced in the database as the main body, by artificial auxiliary.In enterprise management, office automation, etc widely application, widely welcomed by the people, more and more new applications using database technology to store and process information resources. Here, our group design of online bookstore database system is for the convenience of management personnel in the field of data management, combining the actual situation of todays online bookstore, in order to


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